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8mm length SEMS Machine Screws (jis b 1188)

SEMS® Machine Screws are machine screws with pre-assembled captive washers, designed to speed total assembly time in a manufacturing process.

117 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy SEMS Machine Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
CenturyFLSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8c m4x8 phil pan ext sems steel zinc rohs jis 1188 19763
CenturyFLSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8M4x8 phil pan ext l/w sems stl zinc c jis 1188 6000
CenturyFLSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8b m4 x 8 sems screw zinc b m4 x 8 sems screw zinc phils small pan split l/w /fw sems zinc jis 1188b329
CenturyFLSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3 x 8M3x8 phillips pan dbl sem b 8 fw steel zinc rohs clear jis 1188 1990
EndriesWISems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM6 x 8m6x8 b phillips pan head sems with external tooth lock washer trivalent clear zinc jis 1188c500
EndriesWISems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 8M4x8 phillips pan sems intl l/w a4 screw a2 18-8 s/s jis 1188dp100
EndriesWISems Machine Screw400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)PlainM3 x 8m3x8 a2 stainless jisb1188dp phillips pan sems machine screw 410 stainless steel with internal tooth lock washer810
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 8m5 x 8/10 jis b 1188-b-a2 s.s phil pan small hd m/s sems w/sw/fw jis13,935
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2 x 8m2 x 8 jis b 1188-a-cl 4.8 zn small pan hd m/s sems w/sw jis98,400
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/YellowM2.6 x 8m2.6 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 yzn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems78,670
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM3.5 x 8m3.5 x 8 jis b 1188-a-cl 4.8 zn small pan hd m/s sems w/sw jis27,310
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/BlackM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 bl/zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems10,770
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2.5 x 8m2.5 x 8 jis b 1188-a-cl 4.8 zn small pan hd m/s sems w/sw jis10,000
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 8m5 x 8 jis b 1188-a-cl 4.8 zn small pan hd m/s sems w/sw jis10,385
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 8m5 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems44,384
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2 x 8m2 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems23,839
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2.5 x 8m2.5 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems36,789
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM6 x 8m6 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems54,276
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2 x 8m2 x 8/5 jis b 1188-b-cl 4.8 zn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/sw/fw jis48,620
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM3.5 x 8m3.5 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems9,080
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM2.5 x 8m2.5 x 8/6.5 jis b 1188-b-cl 4.8 zn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/sw/fw jis2,000
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188-c-cl 4.8 zn small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems133,250
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188-c-a2 s.s small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems51,101
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/YellowM3.5 x 8 x 1188m3.5 x 8 jis b 1188-d-cl 4.8 yzn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/in/wa jis48,991
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM6 x 8 x 1188m6 x 8 jis b 1188-d-cl 4.8 zn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/in/wa jis59,620
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 8 x 1188m4 x 8 jis b 1188-d-cl 4.8 zn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/in/wa jis144,875
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/YellowM3 x 8 x 1188m3 x 8 jis b 1188-d-cl 4.8 yzn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/in/wa jis77,540
MtrcSpecCASems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 8M3-0.5x8 phil pan sems w/flat wshr zc b jis 1188stock
MtrcSpecCASems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 8 x 7M3-0.5x8 phil pan sems w/7 od f/w & l/w zinc b jis 1188stock
MtrcSpecCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 8M4-0.7x8 phillips pan sems w/ int tooth l/w a-2 ss b jis 1188stock
MtrcSpecCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 8M4-0.7 x8 phil pan w/ f/w & l/w a-2 ss b jis 1188stock
EndriesWISems Machine ScrewZinc/BlackM3 x 8m3x8 phillips pan head sems machine screw with internal tooth lock washer trivalent black zinc jis 1188d467
EndriesWISems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 8m4x8 a2 stainless b phillips pan sems with internal tooth lock washer patch jis 1188-dd2500
SWACOOHSems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2.5-0.45 x 8M2.5-0.45x8 phillips pn dbl sem a2 ( b) 6.15-6.5 f/w jis 11881709
SWACOOHSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8M4x8 phillips pn ext sems zinc b jis 1188c2269
EndriesWISems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 8M4x8 phillips pan sems m/s w/l/w & 9 f/w 18-8 304 b jis 1188bp1400
SJS ProdCASems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM4 x 8m4 x 8mm p/h phil ext th sem st yellow zn rohs jis b1188 ()1000
CenturyNYSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8M4x8 phil pan ext l/w sems stl zinc c jis 11886000
BEACONILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 8m3-0.5 x 8mm phillips pan head machine screw sems double washer split & flat (6mm od) steel trivalent zinc & 4hr bake rohs compliant per jis b1188345186
BEACONILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 8m3-0.5 x 8mm phillips pan head machine screw sems double washer split & flat (7mm od) steel trivalent zinc & 4hr bake rohs compliant per jis b118812080
BEACONILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4-0.70 x 8m4-0.7 x 8mm phillips pan head machine screw sems double washer split & flat (9mm od) steel trivalent zinc & 4hr bake rohs compliant per jis b11887163.4
BEACONILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM5-0.80 x 8m5-0.8 x 8mm phillips pan head machine screw sems double washer split & flat (10mm od) steel trivalent zinc & 4hr bake rohs compliant per jis b118811400
JHP FastenersTXSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8 x 9screw m4x8w9 b phillips pan split washer flat washer sems machine screw zinc and bake 3000/ctn jis 11881000
EximS'poreSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM4 x 8screw sems pan head phillips recesssteel yellow trivalent w. split lock washer m4 x 8 mm jis std b11881500
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 8 x 1188m5 x 8 jis b 1188-d-cl 4.8 zn phil pan small hd m/s sems w/in/wa jis54,600
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188-c-a2 s.s small hd phil pan m/s w/ext sems55,300
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 8 x 1M4x8 jis b 1188-a-cl 4.8 zn small pan m/s sems w/sw jisstock
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8M3x8 b a2 s.s phil pan sems screw w/slw jis 1188astock
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2 x 8M2x8 b a2 s.s phil pan sems screw w/slw jis 1188astock
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 8M4x8 b a2 s.s phil pan sems screw w/slw jis 1188astock
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 8M5x8 b a2-70 pan m/s w/int washers jis 1188d-s.sstock
JHP FastenersTXSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM3 x 8screw splitlock sems m3x8 pan head/phillips drive stl/zinc yellow jis 118817500
JHP FastenersTXSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM3 x 8screw splitlock sems m3x8 pan/phil stl/zinc yellow spl/6 flat jis 1188324
HodellOHSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4-0.70 x 8M4-.7x8 phil pan dblsem b tri/zi/clr jis 11881750
JET FITTINGCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2.5-0.45 x 8M2.5-0.45x8 phillips pn dbl sem a2 ( b) 6.15-6.5 f/w jis 11881709
MMCCILSems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Zinc/ClearM3 x 8m3x8-6 sems/sf jis phil pan dbl sems steel zinc plate jis b1188 binquire
MMCCILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8m4x8 jis phil pan dbl sems steel zinc plate jis b1188 binquire
HodellOHSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4-0.70 x 8M4-.7x8 phil pan dbl sem b tri/zi/clr jis 11881750
HodellOHSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3-0.50 x 8M3-.5x8 phil pan hdm/s dbl sem sc b jis 11887411
HodellOHSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3-0.50 x 8M3-.5x8 phil pan m/s dbl sem sc b jis 11887411
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM3 x 8m3x8w7 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM3 x 8m3x8w6 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM4 x 8m4x8w9 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow75,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM2 x 8m2x8w5 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM5 x 8m5x8w10 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow25,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM2.6 x 8m2.6x8w6.5 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM2 x 8m2x8w5 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3 x 8m3x8w7 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3 x 8m3x8w6 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM4 x 8m4x8w9 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake75,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM5 x 8m5x8w10 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake25,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM2.5 x 8m2.5x8w6.5 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake100,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4 x 8m4x8w8 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc and bake75,000
Kanebridge ILSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM4 x 8m4x8w8 jis b1188 phil pan split washer flat washer sems m/s zinc yellow75,000
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/fl wshr (10od)880
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/ext l/wshr 4.8500
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM5 x 8m5 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/ext l/wshr 4.8994
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/int l/wshr 4.81000
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/int l/wshr 4.81382
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/fl wshr (8 od)686
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan m/s w/lck wshr700
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/ext l/wshr 4.83800
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3.5 x 8m3.5 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/ext l/wshr3874
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan m/s w/fl wshr4499
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/fl wshr (10od)5160
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 6.8Zinc/ClearM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 zinc 6.81141
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/YellowM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/lk/flt (10) zn yel3542
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3 x 8m3 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan m/s w/lck wshr90
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8PlainM6 x 8m6 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/ext l/wshr 4.8200
MSTCMASems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM4 x 8m4 x 8 jis b1188 ph pan w/fl wshr (10od)510
ASFCORPMISems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 8m3-.5 x 8 phil pan hd flt wshr+lk wshr mach scw sems cl 4.8 jis b1188-b tri zn fe/zn 5an1,300
ASFCORPMISems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Black OxideM4-0.70 x 8m4-.7 x 8 phil pan hd ext tooth lk wshr mach scw sems cl 4.8 jis b1188-c blk ox2,302
MTPCASems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 8m5 x 8/10 jis b 1188-b-a2 s.s phil pan small hd m/s sems w/sw/fw jis1

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