FCH News

Weld Nuts , Copper Plated

Weld Nuts are a special type of internally threaded nut designed to be welded to another object. Depending on the application, there are various types of weld nuts

3 results, (click on any line for more information)

Search Results Sponsored by Buckeye Fasteners, your source for Weld Nuts. For more results, visit   buckeyefasteners.com
BuckeyeOHWeld NutSteelCopper Plated5/16-185/16-18 double tab spotweld nut copper plateinquire
BuckeyeOHWeld NutSteelCopper Plated5/16-18 double tab spotweld nut copper plate400
BuckeyeOHWeld NutSteelCopper Plated1/2-131/2-13 square weld nut-long pilot-copper pl .0001inquire
Buy Weld Nuts from one of our FCH Network Members
AmericanNYWeld NutSteelCopper Plated1/4-20 x 1/2 a/f square weld nut pl400
BuckeyeOHWeld NutSteelCopper Plated5/16-18 double tab spotweld nut copper plate400
OneMonroeTXWeld NutSteelCopper PlatedM4nut hex weld m4 steel type-1 a copper plated780

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