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12 1/2 inch length Threaded Rod

Threaded Rod, sometimes called Fully Threaded Rod or All-Thread Rod is a long rod that is continuously threaded along the complete length of the rod. Threaded rod is designed to be used in tension. Threaded rod in bar stock form is often called all-thread

4 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Threaded Rod from one of our FCH Network Members
WDMBIAThreaded RodSteelZinc/Clear3/8-16 x 12 1/2threadrod (zn) 3/8-16x12 1/2 (W050)85
SISAZThreaded RodGrade 2Zinc/Clear3/8-16 x 12 1/23/8-16x12-1/2 (ft) threaded rod grade 2 steel zinc227
ArdenWIThreaded RodSteelZinc/Clear3816 x 12 1/23816x12 1/2 thread rod zcinquire
BoltCraftNEThreaded RodBrassPlain5/16-18 x 12 1/25/16-18 x 12-1/2 bent brass rod cut thread as per printinquire

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