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60mm length Thread Rolling Screws

Thread Rolling Screws, also called Swageform Screws or Plastic Screws are designed to be screwed into a pre-formed hole in plastic. The form of the screw thread is such that the plastic is deformed by flowing around the thread rather than cut, and leads to a secure joint.

6 results, (click on any line for more information)

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Field FasILSelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM8-1.25 x 60m8-1.25 x 60 hex washer hd trilobular thread forming screw 10b21 stl zinc-nickel/rohs with clear topcoat to meet 240 hours to white rust 12 hour bake w/nylon patch7644
EurolinkSCSelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM8 x 60m8 x 60 din 7500d zinc plated hex head flanged thread rolling screwinquire
ManscoMISelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelZinc/Clearm4-1.75 x 60mm pan torx t20 remform w-needs to be plated#N/A
AFIFLSelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM1.9-8.00 x 60m1.9x8 torx pan thread rolling screw for plastic 60-1 st zn din 7500p ()13300
AFIFLSelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM1.9-6.00 x 60m1.9x6 torx pan thread rolling screw for plastic 60-1 st zn din 7500p ()67400
ManscoMISelf-Tapping Thread Rolling ScrewSteelZinc/Blackm4-1.75 x 60mm pan torx t20 remform w/ps 8955 znc/ni triv blk-sorted-per print75150

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