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Thread Cutting Screws, ASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Ni

Thread Cutting Screws are a type of screw with a specific hardness, thread design, and point that can cut new threads in a pre-drilled hole in thicker metal. They come with a variety of different point types depending on the application.

13 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Thread Cutting Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
OneMonroeNCSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)ASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Ni#8-32 x 3/88-32x3/8 phillips pan ty f 410 ss .0003 zinc nickel & js50010000
baier & mSCSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)Class 10.9ASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM4 x 16t/f/s screw for plastics m4 x 16 with large pan head and 6-lobe internal drive t27 material steel 10.9 surface fe//znni8//cnt2 acc. din50979. min. 720 hrs. without base metal corrosion36000
baier & mSCSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM6 x 25b&m-plast r m6 x 25 screw for plastics-pan head with collar-6-lobe internal driving size 30-material steel quenched and tempered-surface fe//znni8//fn//t2nl acc. to din en iso 19598-black-cr-vi-free10000
EndriesWISelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Ni#8-32 x 1/28-32x1/2 phillips pan head type-f thread cutting screw trivalent zinc nickel2000
NationalOntSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM5-1.81 x 14m5x1.81x14 ph pw hd tapping screw w/thread cuts st znni92100
NationalOntSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)ASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM3 x 25m3 x 25 pan washer torx (t10) pt steel gmw42051336
NationalOntSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM5-1.81 x 14m5x1.81x14 6-lobe (t25) pw hd tapping screw w/thread cuts st znni83065
EximS'poreSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Niscrew pan head plus-minus recesssteel 1018 zinc-nickel m4 x 17 mm partial thread b18.6.441469
IRFNJSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Ni#10-16 x 1#10-16x1 pan phil hi lo screw stl 800 hr zinc nickel black & bake tca 70142,490
ACFCASelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-Niscrew fc 50x15 stl znni deltapt2900
ACFCASelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM3 x 10M3x10 6-lobe pan type t/r/s type-f zinc nickel alloy gray384450
ACFCASelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)SteelASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM5 x 12M5x12 phillips round washer pt type-f r pt zinc nickel black97835
TrifastTXSelf-Tapping Thread Cutting Screw (types f,1,23,25)Class 10.9ASTM F1941-10 Fe/Zn-NiM5 x 165.0x16 flanget-25 10.9stl deltapt ziniblk gmw4205942800

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