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4 1/2 inch length Tension Control Bolts

Tension Control Bolts are pre-assembled bolt, nut and washer designed for use in steel frame construction. The head of the bolt is usually domed, and the end of the shank has a spline to which a special power wrench is attached. When the pre-lubricated nut is tightened, the spline fractures when the correct tightening torque is achieved. Tension control bolts are covered under ASME Standard B18.2.6

36 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Tension Control Bolts from one of our FCH Network Members
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4 1/2 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 479356/10084
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4 1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly mech. galv. domestic64
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7x4 1/2 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer16
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7 x 4 1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly plain domestic50
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 4 1/23/4-10 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly mech galv129
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly mech galv33
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 4 1/23/4-10 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain175
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain75
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain60
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4 1/27/8-9 x 4 1/2 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain218
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4 1/2 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain125
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7 x 4 1/2 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain56
American WITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4-1/2 tension control bolt assembly f2280-a490144
BHAMALTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7 x 3 3/4 tc assem(rd) a490 A-490 b18.2.6462
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-import finish-import52
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut and 1 f436 flat washer plai n finish-domestic n finish-domestic48
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 4 1/23/4-10 x 4-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 fw plain34
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21-1/8-7 x 4-1/2 a490 tension control assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain f34
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4-1/2 dome type-1 tc bolt f2280 w/f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut38
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 4 1/23/4-10x4-1/2 dome type-1 tc bolt gr f1852 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut usa180
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4-1/2 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic106
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7x4 1/2f1852 ( a325) tc bolt dom17
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7x4 1/2f1852 ( a325) tc bolt dom17
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/4-7 x 4 1/21 1/4-7x4 1/2 f1852(a325) tc bolt assembly domestic plain315
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4-1/2 f2280 (a490) tc bolt106
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/4-7 x 4 1/21 1/4-7x4 1/2 f1852(a325) tc boltassembly domestic plain315
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4-1/2 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic106
CascadeORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4 1/2tencnt str/b a325st b18.2.61800
CascadeORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4 1/2tendom str/b a325st b18.2.6130
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 x 4 1/21 x 4 1/2 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.665
BHAMTXTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4 1/2 t/c bolt assem(rd) per astm b18.2.624
CNBILTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/2a325 tension control bolt, wtih nut and washer, finish55
THRDFASTFLTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4 1/2a325 tension control bolt b18.2.656
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp11
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp24
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/2f2280(a490) button t-c assy pl import55

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