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2 3/4 inch length Tension Control Bolts

Tension Control Bolts are pre-assembled bolt, nut and washer designed for use in steel frame construction. The head of the bolt is usually domed, and the end of the shank has a spline to which a special power wrench is attached. When the pre-lubricated nut is tightened, the spline fractures when the correct tightening torque is achieved. Tension control bolts are covered under ASME Standard B18.2.6

91 results, (click on any line for more information)

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OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 mech galv a325 tension control bolt nut washer260
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 w/nut a325 plain tensioncntrl bolt astm nap160
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7x2 3/4 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 508254/9050
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly mech. galv. domestic8
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly plain domestic17
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly mech galv domestic31
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer18
BHAMALTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 tc assem(rd) a325 ty 3 b18.2.643
BHAMALTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 tc assem a325 mech galv b18.2.6176
BHAMALTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 a490 tcb f2280 assem domes280
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized5/8-11 x 2 3/45/8-11 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly mg13
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly mech galv1821
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly mech galv630
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly mech galv317
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain3606
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain2172
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain37
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain2928
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain141
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain1284
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7 x 2 3/4 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain33
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 f2280/a490 tc assembly plain154
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain3685
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain |1726
NutsBoltsNETension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 f1852/a325 tc assembly plain |2733
OneMonroeMATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 w/nut a325 plain tensioncntrl bolt astm nap160
OneMonroeMATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 mech galv a325 tension control bolt nut washer260
American WITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2-3/4 tension control bolt assembly f1852-a325 usa186
American WITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2-3/4 tension control bolt assembly f1852-a325 mech galv173
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Galvanized1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly mech. galv. domestic16
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2 3/4 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer10
Fastener OHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/4tc bolt assembly 3/4-10x2-3/4 a325 mech galv domestic 8
Fastener OHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 tension control bolt assembly w/nut & washer a325 mechanically galvanized made in usa 240
Fastener OHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/4tc bolt assembly 1-8x2-3/4 a490 plain 49
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2-3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer pla in finish-import in finish-import527
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 a325 tension control bolt w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer ea. plain fin170
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2-3/4 a325 tension control assembly mechanical galvanized domestic583
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2-3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-import finish-import164
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2-3/4 a490 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 gr.dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washers plain finish plain finish66
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 a490 tension control bolt assembly w/1 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain fin95
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2-3/4 a490 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer57
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2-3/4 dome type-1 tc bolt pln f1852 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut160
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/4dome type-1 tc bolt f2280 w/f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut127
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2-3/4 dome type-1 tc bolt pln gr f1852 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut185
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/4dome type-1 tc bolt gr f1852 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut usa16
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4dome type-1 tc bolt gr f1852 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut usa126
ManscoMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2-3/4 type-1 dome tc bolt pln f2280 f436 f/w & a563 gr-dh nut usa75
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2 3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly domestic mech galv ()95
Fastener OHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4tc round head bolt assembly 3/4-10x2 3/4 a325 plain 209
XL ScrewGATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4rd tc bolt assembly astm f1852 ty1 a325 bolt f436 washr a563 dh nut250
XL ScrewGATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4rd tc bolt assembly astm f1852 ty1 a325 bolt f436 washr a563 dh nut180
XL ScrewGATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain1-8 x 2 3/4rd tc bolt assembly astm f1852 ty1 a325 bolt f436 washr a563 dh nut130
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt190
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt198
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly domestic mech galv5
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly plain557
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly plain557
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7x2 3/4 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic28
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2 3/4 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain10
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10x2-3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly domestic mech galv5
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic130
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7x2 3/4 f1852 (a325) tc bolt assembly domestic plain15
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8x2-3/4 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic48
HodellOHTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7x2 3/4 f2280 (a490) tc bolt assembly plain domestic28
Pac BoltBCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8 x 2 3/47/8 x 2-3/4 tension control bolt assy b/m b18.2.6156
CascadeORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/4tendom str/b a325st b18.2.61170
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 3/43/4 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolts w/n & w b18.2.6256
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 a325 tc bolt assy w/a563 hvy hex nut & f436 f/w pln (domestic)170
BHAMTXTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41-1/8-7x2-3/4 tc assem(rd) a490 f2280 b18.2.6107
BHAMTXTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4t/c bolt assem(rd)15
BHAMFLTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4tc assem(rd) a325-canadian276
LippinCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2 3/4 tension control bolt a325 plain64
CNBILTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4tension control bolt a325 pl200
THRDFASTFLTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4a325 tension control bolt b18.2.6 domestic154
THRDFASTFLTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 3/4a325 tension control bolt b18.2.62,079
THRDFASTFLTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/4a325 tension control b18.2.61
THRDFASTTNTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/4a325 tension control bolt b18.2.620
KBSTNTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 a325 tensioncon. !assembly! b18.2.6450
WSBKYTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4blt tc f1852 a325 (pl) 3/4-10x2 3/4 b18.2.6250
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa24
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelGalvanized3/4-10 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy mg usa136
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa38
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa106
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4f2280(a490) button t-c assy pl import50
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4f2280(a490) button t-c assy pl import50
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/4f2280(a490) button t-c assy pl import72
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp87
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp291
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp64
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl import4
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp124

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