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Tension Control Bolts, Plain

Tension Control Bolts are pre-assembled bolt, nut and washer designed for use in steel frame construction. The head of the bolt is usually domed, and the end of the shank has a spline to which a special power wrench is attached. When the pre-lubricated nut is tightened, the spline fractures when the correct tightening torque is achieved. Tension control bolts are covered under ASME Standard B18.2.6

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OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 1/47/8-9 x 2 1/4 w/nut & washer tension control bolt a325 plain astm145
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 3 3/41-8 x 3-3/4 astm a325 type-1 dome head plain finish tension control bolt w/nut and f436 washer90
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 2 1/41-8 x 2 1/4 a325 tc bolt77
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 47/8-9 x 4 a325 tc bolt40
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain3/4-10 x 43/4-10 x 4 w/nut a325 plain tensioncntrl bolt astm nap148
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9 x 2-3/4 w/nut a325 plain tensioncntrl bolt astm nap160
OneMonroeNCTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain7/8-9 x 3 1/47/8-9 x 3-1/4 w/nut a325 & f/w f436 plain tension control bolt astm nap65
Jay-CeeMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 23/4-10x2 a325 tc bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer60
Jay-CeeMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/23/4-10x2 1/2 a325 tc bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer250
Jay-CeeMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain511 x 2 1/25/-11x2 1/2 a325 tc bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer340
Jay-CeeMITension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain3/4-10 x 1 3/43/4-10x1 3/4 a325 tc bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer16
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 2 1/41-8x2 1/4 a325 tc bolt assembly w/a563 hvy hx nut & rd f436 washer plain (usa)125
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 2 1/21 1/8-7 x 2 1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly plain45
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 41-8x4 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer30
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 4 1/21-8x4 1/2 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 479356/10084
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 41-8x4 a325 tc bolt assembly w/a563 hvy hx nut & rd f436 washer plain (usa)37
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 3 1/41-8x3 1/4 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 479351/12020
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 61-8x6 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer41
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 41-8x4 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 479354/10011
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 61-8x6 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer69
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 4 3/41-8 x 4 3/4 a490 tension control bolt assembly plain43
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7x2 3/4 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 508254/9050
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 3 1/21-8x3 1/2 a325 tc bolt assembly w/a563 hvy hx nut & rd f436 washer plain (usa)8
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 3 3/41-8x3 3/4 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer24
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1-8 x 3 1/21-8x3 1/2 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer 479352/11016
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 2 3/41 1/8-7 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly plain domestic17
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 51 1/8-7x5 a490 round head t.c.bolt plain w/a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 (usa)19
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 61 1/8-7x6 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer28
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 41 1/8-7x4 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer41
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 51 1/8-7x5 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer5
R&S IndusORTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)Plain1 1/8-7 x 4 1/21 1/8-7x4 1/2 a490 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh hvy hex nut & round f436 washer16
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 1/45/8-11 x 2-1/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 gr.dh heavy hex nut&1 f436 hard flat washer ea. domestic ea. domestic22
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 4 1/21-8 x 4-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-import finish-import52
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 1/41-8 x 2-1/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-import finish-import357
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 25/8-11 x 2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nuts & 1 f436 hard flat washer432
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 3 1/41-8 x 3-1/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-import finish-import94
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 3 1/41-8 x 3-1/4 a325 tension control bolts w/dh hh nut & f436 flat washers17
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/43/4-10 x 2-1/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer pla in finish-import in finish-import302
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 21-8 x 2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nuts & 1 f436 flat washers plain finish-import finish-import79
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 37/8-9 x 3 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 gr.dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 hard flat washer plain finish washer plain finish20
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 41-8 x 4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish finish85
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 51-8 x 5 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish domestic finish domestic63
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 4 1/43/4-10 x 4-1/4 a325 tension control assembly w/1a563 dh hh nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain finish128
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 27/8-9 x 2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer plain fi nish-import nish-import198
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/23/4-10 x 2-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut and 1 f436 flat washer p lain finish-domestic lain finish-domestic40
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2-3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut & 1 f436 flat washer pla in finish-import in finish-import527
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 1 3/45/8-11 x 1-3/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut and 1 f436 flat washer-plain finish-domestic plain finish-domestic40
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 25/8-11 x 2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nuts & 1 f436 hard flat washer domestic domestic62
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 23/4-10 x 2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut and 1 f436 flat washer plain finish-domestic finish-domestic31
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 3 1/27/8-9 x 3-1/2 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 gr.dh nut & 1 f436 hard flat washers each plain finish import plain finish import138
Big RedOKTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 3 1/43/4-10 x 3-1/4 a325 tension control bolt assembly w/1 a563 dh heavy hex nut and 1 f436 flat washer p lain finish-domestic lain finish-domestic5
AbabaCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/23/4-10 x 2 1/2 astm f1852-1 t/c assembly (a325) pl b18.2.612
AbabaCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 27/8-9 x 2 astm f3125-1/f1852 tc ass y (a325) pln b18.2.62
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 1/27/8-9x2-1/2 tension control bolt a325144
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8 x 1 3/45/8x1-3/4 tension control bolt a32515
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 27/8-9x2 tension control bolt a32524
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 3 1/47/8-9x3-1/4 tension control bolt a32530
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 1/41-8x2-1/4 tension control bolt a32520
ExpressCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 1/21-8x2-1/2 tension control bolt a32545
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain5/8-11 x 1 1/25/8 -11x1 1/2 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh heavy hex nut & round f436 washer95
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)ASTM A563 Grade DHPlain5/8-11 x 1 3/45/8 -11x1 3/4 a325 t.c. bolt plain with a563 dh heavy hex nut & round f436 washer274
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 1 3/43/4 x1-3/4 tc a325 bolt plain9
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 23/4 x2 tc a325 bolt plain175
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/43/4 -10x2-1/4 t/c bolt w/nut and washer plain140
SIIINTension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/23/4-10x2-1/2 t/c bolt w/nut and washer plain b18.2.6248
WDMBIATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlaint boltc f1852 a325 (pl) 3/4-10x2 1/4 (W020) (W020)680
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 1/2 3257/8-9 x 2 1/2 a-325 tc bolt assmbly,50
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 1 1/2 3255/8-11 x 1 1/2 a-325 tc bolt assembly18
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2a325 tc bolt assemb - usa10
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2a325 tension bolt assembly usa27
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 1 3/4a325 tension bolt assembly50
HBBOLTCATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1-8 x 2 1/2a325 tension bolt assembly72
WDMBIATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlaint boltc f1852 a325 (pl) 3/4-10x1 3/4 (W020)235
WDMBIATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlaint boltc f1852 a325 (pl) 3/4-10x2 3/4 (W020)110
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 1 3/43/4 x 1 3/4 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.6212
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 1 3/43/4 x 1 3/4 a325 hex tension control bolts w/ nuts & washers plain b18.2.6206
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 23/4 x 2 a325 tension control bolts w n & fw b18.2.6180
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 1/43/4 x 2 1/4 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.6214
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 1/43/4 x 2 1/4 a325 tension control bolts domestic b18.2.618
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 1/23/4 x 2 1/2 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.64166
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 1/23/4 x 2 1/2 a325 tension control bolts domestic b18.2.655
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 2 3/43/4 x 2 3/4 a325 tension control bolts w/n & w b18.2.6256
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 33/4 x 3 a325 tension control bolts domestic b18.2.670
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 3 1/23/4 x 3 1/2 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.6261
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4 x 43/4 x 4 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.6511
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 x 2 1/41 x 2 1/4 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.655
B & K FASTPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain1 x 4 1/21 x 4 1/2 a325 tension control bolts w n & w b18.2.665
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 35/8-11x3 tension control bolt a325-1 plain with nut and washer280
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 27/8-9x2 a325 tc bolt assy w/a563 hvy hex nut & f436 f/w pln (domestic) (200 per keg)751
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 1/47/8-9x2 1/4 a325 tc bolt assy w/a563 hvy hex nut & f436 f/w pln (domestic) (190 per keg)470
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 1/27/8-9x2 1/2 a325 tc bolt assy w/a563 hvy hex nut & f436 f/w pln (domestic) (180 per keg)311
Lubker DiPATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/47/8-9x2 3/4 a325 tc bolt assy w/a563 hvy hex nut & f436 f/w pln (domestic)170
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 6 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl imp7
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 6f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa7
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2f2280(a490) button t-c assy pl import127
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/4f1852(a325) hex t-c assy pl usa196
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2f1852(a325) hex t-c assy pl usa15
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 1 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy usa5
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa134
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 1 3/4f1852(a325) hex t-c assy pl usa45
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 1 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa6
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa24
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa38
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa75
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain5/8-11 x 2 1/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa35
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa36
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa1
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 1 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa4
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa79
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain3/4-10 x 3 1/2f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa195
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2 3/4f1852(a325) button t-c assy pl usa106
Valley NuWATension Control Bolt (F3125 Gr. F1852, F2280)SteelPlain7/8-9 x 2f1852(a325) button t-c assy usa286

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