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M14 Pipe Unions

A Pipe Union is a type of pipe fitting that allows two sections of pipe to be separated without twisting or deforming the pipe. The pipe union usually consists of two flanges, one fixed, and the other that slides along the pipe as it is screwed and tightened onto the other flange.

5 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Pipe Unions from one of our FCH Network Members
MMCCILPipe UnionSteelPlainM14 x 1.5m14x1.5 soc pipe plug w viton din 2353vstiinquire
MMCCILPipe UnionBrassPlainM14s14s straight untion brass din 2353ginquire
MMCCILPipe UnionSteelPlainM14sstraight union din 2353g steel plain41
MMCCILPipe UnionSteelPlainM14sstr.bulkhd union din 2353sv steel plain10
MMCCILPipe UnionSteelPlainM14straight union din l3106 plain4

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