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2 1/2 Pipe Unions

A Pipe Union is a type of pipe fitting that allows two sections of pipe to be separated without twisting or deforming the pipe. The pipe union usually consists of two flanges, one fixed, and the other that slides along the pipe as it is screwed and tightened onto the other flange.

7 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Pipe Unions from one of our FCH Network Members
JacksonMSPipe UnionSteelGalvanized2 1/2iron pipe union 150#3
WeaverWAPipe UnionSteelPlain2 1/22 1/2 pipe union black4
EndriesWIPipe Union316, 317, A4 StainlessPlain2 1/2-82-1/2-8 npt 316 stainless steel 150# thread union5
WorldSourWIPipe UnionBrassBlack Oxide2 1/22-1/2 union brass joint 150# black mi-usa8
NAPPCOTXPipe UnionSteelGalvanized2 1/2402-1/2 galvanized s40 union35
American WIPipe UnionBlack Oxide2 1/22-1/2 pipe union black class 1505
Fastener OHPipe UnionSteelPlain2 1/2threaded union 2-1/2 black 5

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