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1 inch length Joint Connector Bolts

Joint Connector Bolts, or Assembly Bolts are used in the assembly of furniture. They usually have a large-diameter, flat head, with a small recessed socket and are driven through pre-drilled holes

2 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Joint Connector Bolts from one of our FCH Network Members
ManscoMIJoint Connector Bolt, JCB, Draw-Bolt, Assembly BoltSteelBlack Oxide1/4-20 x 11/4-20x18mm joint connector bolt 17mm hd dia blk ox w/nylon patch3892
OSSCORIJoint Connector Bolt, JCB, Draw-Bolt, Assembly BoltSteelNickel Plated#10-24 x 110-24x1 joint connector bolt nickel75

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