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Internal Retaining Rings-Type Ho, Cadmium

Type HO Retaining Rings, or Housing Rings, are thin, circular, ring-shaped fasteners which are installed axially into a machined groove inside a shaft or assembly housing. Their purpose is to stop the movement of some sub-assembly within that housing. The installation process requires the use of special needle-nose pliers to compress the ring so it can be installed internally.

6 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Internal Retaining Rings-Type Ho from one of our FCH Network Members
GLFOHInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmium7/87/8 int retaining ring zinc stacked MS16625-1087 () () ()29696
CenturyFLInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmium2std-171-4 retainer spring per print cad plate per qq-p-416 type ii class 21
JHP FastenersTXInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmiumretaining ring steel/cad i.r.r.30
AIHAZInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmium7/87/8 internal retaining ring carbon stl cad plt MS16625-1087315
AIHAZInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmiumRing, Carbon Steel, Cad Plate MS16625-1086679
AIHAZInternal Type HO Retaining RingSteelCadmiumRing, Steel, Cad Plate MS16629-1075813

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