FCH News

#8-32 High Hex Nuts

High Hex Nuts have a height that is 50% taller than standard hex nuts and these nuts provide a larger gripping area for installation with a wrench. High hex nuts are considerably thicker than standard hex nuts.

4 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy High Hex Nuts from one of our FCH Network Members
MAINSOURCNHHigh Hex NutSteelPlain#8-32thin stop nut [ntm-nte] stl z/clr61
CONTAERONJHigh Hex NutSteelZinc/Black#8-32thin black hex nut9200
CONTAERONJHigh Hex NutSteelZinc/Clear#8-32std Cr3+ white hex nut200000
CONTAERONJHigh Hex NutSteelZinc/Clear#8-32thin Cr3+ hex nut59400

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