1/4 inch length Hex Male/Female Standoffs
Hex Male/Female Standoffs are used in printed circuit boards or sheet metal fabrications and their purpose is to provide a set distance separator between two objects. The two objects could be two circuit boards or two sheets of sheet metal. Where a hex male/female standoff differs from a hex spacer is that the standoff has one end projecting and threaded, and the other end drilled and internally threaded.
4,378 Hex Male/Female Standoff, showing 200, (click on any line for more information)
Buy Hex Male/Female Standoffs from one of our FCH Network Members | ||||||||
Supplier | Loc | Type | Material | Finish | Size | Description | Qty | |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 s/o hex m/f 1/4 acr alum | 200 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 s/o hex 1/4 acflt fem/fem nylon | 800 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 standoff 3/16 hex female/female 300 series stainless steel | 151 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 stand off 1/4 hex male/female 18-8 stainless steel | 25 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #2-56 x 1/4 | s/o hex fem/fem 1/8 acrftl stn stl | 500 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Zinc/Clear | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o hex fem/fem 3/16 acrflt | 70 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o hex fem/fem 3/16 acrflt | 2792 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o hex male/fem 3/16 acrflt alum | 223 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o female/female 1/4 hex 18-8 s/s | 381 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o hex male/fem 3/16 acrflt 18-8 304 | 3095 |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o hex male/fem 3/16 acrflt s/s passiv | 1744 |
Cal Fastenrs | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | #6-32 x 1/4 (1/4 hex male-female standoff) rohs compl aluminum plain raf # 4530-632-al/jtec 140406hma | raf # 4530-632-al/jtec 140406hma | raf # 4530-632-al/jtec 140406hma | raf # 4530-632-al/jtec 140406hma | 319 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | x 1/4 | m/f standoff 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 alum | 500 |
OneMonroe | NC | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | 8-32 x 1/4 | ntt smith 8280 1/4 hex m/f standoff brs 8-32 x 1/4 | 300 |
OneMonroe | NC | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | 4-40 x 1/4 | standoff m-f 3/16 hex 4-40x1/4 s/s passivate | 1320 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | m/f standoff 3/16 hex 2-56 x 1/4 ss | 258 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | x 1/4 | m/f standoff 1/4 hex 4-40 x 1/4 nylon | 1094 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | m/f standoff 1/4 hex 4-40 x 1/4 ss | 80 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | m/f standoff 5/16 hex 6-32 x 1/4 ss | 100 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff alum | 1585 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 (3/16)m/f hex standoff nylon | 600 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (5/16)m/f hex standoff 18-8ss | 109 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff 18-8ss | 515 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass | 785 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff alum | 320 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff 18-8ss pass | 150 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (3/16)m/f hex standoff 18-8ss | 60 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff 18-8ss | 50 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass | 258 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 (3/16)m/f hex standoff zii | 200 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff spec brass male thread length =0.187 | 500 |
SWACO | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | standoff male-female 6-32x1/4 hex aluminum | 261 |
Liberty | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #4-40 x 1/4 x 1/4 | hex male/female standoff brass rohs | 800 |
Liberty | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex male/female standoff M25006C0025NY | 900 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(6-32)hexmale/femalestandoff s/s | 200 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(6-32)hex m/f standoff aluminum | 330 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(4-40)hex m/f standoff alum | 170 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 3/16 x 1/4 | 3/16x1/4 (2-56) hexmale/femalestandoff | 19 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 3/16 x 1/4 | 3/16x1/4(4-40)hex male/female standoff | 125 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | 3/16 x 1/4 | 3/16x1/4(4-40)hexmale/fem.lestandoffrohs | 61 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | 3/16 x 1/4 | 3/16x1/4 (4-40) hex m/f standoff stl zin | 34 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(8-32)hexmale/femalestandoff | 300 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(8-32)hex m/f standoff nylon | 20 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(6-32)hexmale/femalestandoffbrass | 260 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(6-32)hexmale/femalestandoff | 250 |
Field Fas | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 m/f hex standoff 1/4 hex 18-8 ss | 25986 |
BHAM | AL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 standoff m/f 3/16 hex nylon | 300 |
SJS Prod | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 x 440 | 1/4 x 1/4x440 hex m/f stdoff alum | 100 |
Ababa | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff 1/4 af s/s | 200 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 6-32 x 1/4 x 2 | 6-32x1/4x2in aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8425 | 432 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | 6-32 x 1/4 x 11/16 | 6-32x1/4x11/16 aluminum m-fhex/standoff lyn-tron al6981-0.688-00 | 50 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | 4-40x1/4x1in brass m-fhex/standoff nickel/plate keystone electronics 1947 | 805 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 4-40 x 1/4 x 7/8 | 4-40x1/4x7/8 aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8404 | 271 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/2 | 6-32x1/4x1/2 ss m-fhex/standoff concord electronics 460s-9608 | 200 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | 4-40x1/4x1in ss m-fhex/standoff lyn-tron ss6980-1.000-00 | 516 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/2 | 6-32x1/4x1/2 aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8414 | 211 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 6-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | 6-32x1/4x3/4 aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8416 | 730 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 8-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | 8-32x1/4x3/4 aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8429 | 400 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/8 | 4-40x1/4x3/8 aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8400 | 1000 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | 6-32x1/4x3/4 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 1954 | 15 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 x 2 | #6-32x1/4x2in brass m-fhex/standoff nickel | 70 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/8 | 6-32x1/4x1-1/8 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 7212 | 500 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | 4-40 x 1/4 x 2 | 4-40x1/4x2in aluminum m-fhex/standoff iridite keystone electronics 8412 | 803 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | #4-40x1/4x1in aluminum m-fhex/standoff | 300 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 x 7/16 | #6-32x1/4x7/16 ss m-fhex/standoff | 349 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | #4-40x1/4x1 steel m-fhex/standoff zinc | 50 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | #8-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | #8-32x1/4x3/4 ss m-fhex/standoff passivated | 230 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 x 1/2 | #8-32x1/4x1/2 ss m-fhex/standoff | 90 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 x .600 | #4-40x1/4x.600 ss m-f hex/standoff | 6 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Zinc/Clear | 2-56 x 1/4 x 3/16 hex m/f alum non-rohs | 421 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16hex m/f standoff al gold | 460 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff al clr irr | 574 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff al clr irr | 6 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | 8-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff brass ni-p | 106 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16hex m/f standoff al clr irr | 140 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Zinc/Clear | 8-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff alum rohs | 96 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff brass pln | 290 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 4-40 x 1/4l x 3/16 hex m/f standoff sst | 352 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Cadmium | 2-56x1/4x3/16 hex m/f standoff brass cad plt | 13 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Zinc/Clear | 8-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff nyl rohs | 335 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 8-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff sst rohs | 175 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Zinc/Clear | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hex m/f br zn cr3 () () | 217 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16 | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16hx m/f brass nickel standoff () | 4136 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #2-56 x 1/4 x 3/16 | 2-56 x 1/4 x 3/16 hex m/f nyl () | 554 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 hx m/f br ni () () | 107 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 x 1/4 | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1/4 hx m/f br ni () () | 1910 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #10-32 x 1/4 x 5/16 | 10-32 x 1/4 x 5/16 hx m/f sst rohs () () | 60 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #2-56 x 1/4 x 3/16 | 2-56x1/4x3/16 hex m/f stl zn non-rohs () | 357 |
Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | raf 4530-440-s-12 1/4 hex m/f 4-40 x 1/4 steel zinc | 190 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | nas1829c4c04 post elec-mech eqpt(stud) .250l .112-40 m/fem cres | 9 |
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Global | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 1/4in hex m/f 4-40- 5/8 standoff | 1,924 |
SJS Prod | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | 3/16 hex 4-40x1/4 m/f standoff ss | 250 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 x 1 | standoff male-female hex aluminum plain#8-32 x 1/4 x 1 x #8-32 in | 700 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/2 | standoff male-female hex aluminum plain#8-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/2 x #8-32 in | 700 |
MidStates | MI | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | male/fem alum hex s/o | 91 |
WDMB | IA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | standoff hex m/f alu (pl) 6-32x1/4x3/4 (W030) | 3,262 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | x 1/4 | standoff m-f 3/16 hex 4-40x1/4 st/zn2 | 263 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | x 1/4 | standoff m-f 3/16 hex 4-40x1/4 st/zc male thread length(b dim)=1/4 | 15 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | standoff m-f 1/4 hex 4-40x1/4 s/s mod b= 1/4 | 303 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | x 1/4 | standoff m-f 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 steel | 300 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(4-40)hex m/f standoff alum | 1211 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | standoff m-f 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 s/s | 53 |
IPC | VA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 hex male-female standoff 3/4 long alum | 2,092 |
IPC | VA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #8-32 x 1/4 x 3/8 | 8-32x1/4 hexx3/8 long female/female standoff steel zinc | 95 |
IPC | VA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 hex male-female standoff steel cr3 zinc rohs 1 5/8 long | 800 |
IPC | VA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Chromate Conversion (Iridite, Alodine) | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 hex male/female standoff alum-iridite-rohs | 189 |
QFC | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 1/2 x 1/4 | 1/2x1/4 standoff hex m/f threaded | 3000 |
SIS | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | (3/16 acf ) m/f hex standoff per print | 50095 |
SIS | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | m/f hex standoff | 165 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | x 1/4 | stdf m/f blk nylon 3/8 lg 440 x 1/4 hex | 3865 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | x 1/4 | standoff m/f aluminum 1/4 hex 4-40 x 1/4 lg | 4000 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | x 1/4 | stdf m/f alum 1/4 hex 632 x 1/4 lg | 2150 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 x 6 32 | standoff m/f nylon 1/4 hex x 1/4 long x 6-32 | 6250 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | stdf m/f alum. 4-40 x 1/4 hex x 1 | 3490 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Cadmium | 1/23 x 1/4 | 1/2hx3x1/4-20 steel m/f standoff cad ii | 25 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 five sixteenths hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 five sixteenths hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #10-32 x 1/4 | 10-32x1/4 five sixteenths hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #10-32 x 1/4 | 10-32x1/4 three eights hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 three eights hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 three sixteenths hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff aluminum | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 one quater hex male female threaded standoff nylon | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 one quater hex male female threaded standoff nylon | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 one quater hex male female threaded standoff nylon | 25,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 three sixteenths hex male female standoff stainless steel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff stainless steel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff stainless steel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff stainless steel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 five sixteenths hex male female standoff stainless steel | 2.500 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | 3/16 x 1/4 | 3/16x1/4 (4-40) hexmale/femalestandoff | 10699 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Zinc/Clear | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(6-32)hex m/f stdoff alum rohs | 2530 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(4-40)hexmale/femalestandoff s/s | 425 |
BHAM | AL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o m/f 3/16 hex rohs | 3,690 |
| ||
BHAM | AL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | s/o m/f 1/4 hex alum | 314 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #6-32 x 1/4 x 5/8 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 5/8 m/f hex standoff stl rohs zinc clear | 195 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/4 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1-1/4 m/f hex stndoff stl rohs zinc clear | 295 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Zinc/Clear | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1/2 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1/2 m/f hex standoff stl rohs zinc clear | 750 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 x 5/8 | 6-32 x 1/4 x 5/8 m/f hex standoff st/stl plain self finish | 880 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40 x1/4 hex a2 s/sm/f standoff passivated | 13190 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1.165 | 6-32x1/4x1.165 (250) m/f hex standoff stl bright nickel | 83000 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx8mm long hex m/f standoff | 10,500 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx0.905 long hex m/f standoff | 3,585 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx1/2 long hex m/f standoff npb | 2,082 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 long hex m/f standoff | 2,650 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1/4 hex female/female hex standoff | 2,555 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1/2 long hex m/f standpff npb | 2,000 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx5/8 long hex m/f standoff | 990 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx1/2 long hex m/f standoff | 919 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 1/8 long hex m/f standoff | 1,100 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx3/4 long hex m/f standoff | 1,000 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx2 long hex m/f standoff | 1,100 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 1/4 long hex m/f standoff | 900 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 3/4 long hex m/f standoff npb | 700 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx1 1/4 long hex m/f standoff | 796 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1/4 long hex m/f standoff | 542 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 3/4 long hex m/f standoff | 478 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | afx1 long hex m/f standoff npb | 550 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Anodized | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx0.350 long hex m/f standoff clear | 520 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx1 long hex m/f standoff npb | 530 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #8-32 x 1/4 | afx3/4 long hex m/f standoff npb | 300 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(4-40)hexmale/femalestdoff nylon | 12307 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | 1/4x1/4(4-40)hexmale/femalestdoff nylon | 1000 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | hex m/f standoff | 295 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 male/female standoff s/s | 455 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | x 1/4 | 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 male/female standoff s/s | 455 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | 1/4 x 1/4 | hex m/f standoff | 295 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | post NAS1829C3C04 | 51 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | screw NAS1829C4C04 | 96 |
OBRIEN | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | x 1/4 | 3/8 hex m/f s/o 10-32x1/4 | 1021 |
OBRIEN | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | x 1/4 | 1/4 hex 6-32x1/4 m/f s/o | 600 |
SIS | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6-32 x 1/4 | m/f hex standoff s/s | 400 |
GUIDON | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6 32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | RAF Electronic Hardware 4530-632-A-0 EQUIVALENT | 400 |
GUIDON | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #6 32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | RAF Electronic Hardware 4530-632-A-0 EQUIVALENT | 400 |
GUIDON | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | #6 32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | RAF Electronic Hardware 4530-632-SS-0 EQUIVALENT | 2,300 |
SASCO | OR | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Aluminum | Plain | #4-40 x 1/4 | m/f standoff 1/4 hex alum standoff standoff | 300 |
JFI | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Plain | #4 40 x 1/4 x 1 1/4 | M/F STANDOFF | 2525 |
Trademarks identified with products listed on this website are the property of their respective owners, not FastenersClearingHouse.com.