Hex Male/Female Standoffs, Nickel Plated
Hex Male/Female Standoffs are used in printed circuit boards or sheet metal fabrications and their purpose is to provide a set distance separator between two objects. The two objects could be two circuit boards or two sheets of sheet metal. Where a hex male/female standoff differs from a hex spacer is that the standoff has one end projecting and threaded, and the other end drilled and internally threaded.
> 200 matches, . Showing 200, (click on any line for more information)
Buy Hex Male/Female Standoffs from one of our FCH Network Members | ||||||||
Supplier | Loc | Type | Material | Finish | Size | Description | Qty | |
YANKEE | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M2-0.40 x 8 | m2(.4) x 8 standoff 4mm acrflts hex male/female brass w/ nickel plating | 197 |
MAINSOURC | NH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 3/8 | m/f standoff 1/4 hex 4-40x3/8 brass nickel | 1162 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 3/4 | 4-40 x 3/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 50 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/4 | 8-32 x 3/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 84 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1 1/2 | 8-32 x 1 1/2 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 100 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1/2 | 8-32 x 1/2 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 76 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 2 1/2 | 6-32 x 2 1/2 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 30 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 5/8 | 6-32 x 1 5/8 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 10 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1 | 8-32 x 1 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 250 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 10 | m3-.5 x 10 (5.5mm)hex m/f standoff brass nickel | 400 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 3/4 | 6-32 x 3/4 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 4 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/2 | 4-40 x 1/2 (3/16)m/f hex standoff nickel | 3000 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 2 | 6-32 x 2 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 100 |
Hayes | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 7/8 | 8-32 x 7/8 (1/4)hx m/f standoff brass nickel | 294 |
SWACO | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1/2 | #8-32x1/2 male-female 1/4 hex standoff brass nickel plated | 22 |
Century | FL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | fascomp fm2110-2545-s-5md5mm4.5mm hex m/f standoff 15mm lng m2.5 thread stl nickel w/5mm male thread length | 250 |
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SWACO | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 1/4 x 1/4 | 6-32x1-1/4x1/4 hex male-female standoff brass nickel | 910 |
Liberty | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 5/8 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 5/8 x 1/4 hex male/female standoff plate M25006C0062BRN | 1,000 |
Endries | WI | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 x 1/2 6 | standoff m/f 1/4 hexx1/2 6-32 brass nkl rohs | 1350 |
Future Fastener | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 6 | 4534-632-b-5 raf | 5250 |
Field Fas | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1 5/8 | 6-32 x 1 5/8 m/f standoff 1/4 hex brass nickel | 150 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1 | 8-32 x 1 hex m/f brass standoff nickel | 6000 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | 1/4 hex m/f brass standoff nickel plate 4-40thread x 5/8 l | 1000 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3 x 16 | m3 x 16 m/f standoff 6mmhex brass nickel bn3321 | 48 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 | standoff 6-32 x 1 m/f hex steel nickel plated | 24050 |
Fastenerc | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1 1/4 | 6-32 x 1 1/2 brass 1/4 hex fem/fem standoff nickel | 3617 |
American | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/8 x 1/4 | male/female hex s/o brs np | 2000 |
SJS Prod | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 x 4 40 x 1/4 | 1/4 x 4-40x1/4 hex m/f stndf brass nickel | 593 |
Fastener | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1 1/2 | male/female hex standoff 6-32 x 1 1/2 brass nickel plated (ref. keystone# 1645) | | 1055 |
AFI | FL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 hex m/f standoff brass nickel plate raf 4532-440-b-5 () | 2000 |
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Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 4-40 x 1/4 x 1 | 4-40x1/4x1in brass m-fhex/standoff nickel/plate keystone electronics 1947 | 805 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1/4 x 3/4 | 6-32x1/4x3/4 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 1954 | 15 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 x 2 | #6-32x1/4x2in brass m-fhex/standoff nickel | 70 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/8 | 6-32x1/4x1-1/8 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 7212 | 500 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1/4 | #6-32x1/4x1/4 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel | 100 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 5 | m3-0.5x5x25 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 4318 | 160 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/8 | 4-40x1/4x3/8 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 7200 | 235 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 8-32 x 1/4 x 1 1/2 | 8-32x1/4x1-1/2 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel/plate keystone electronics 1963 | 60 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 4-40 x 1/4 x 7/8 | 4-40x1/4x7/8 hex/m/f brassnickel plated standoff keystone electronics 7201 | 370 |
Global Fa | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1/4 x 5/8 | 6-32x1/4x5/8 brass m-fhex/standoff nickel keystone electronics 1953 | 20 |
Fastenerc | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 9/16 1/4 | 6-32 x 9/16 brass 1/4 hex fem/fem standoff nickel | null |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 6-32 x 1 x 1/4 hex m/f standoff brass nickel | 143 |
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Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16 | 4-40 x 1/4 x 3/16hx m/f brass nickel standoff () | 4136 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 5/8 x 1/4 | 6-32 x 5/8 x 1/4hx m/f brass nickel standoff () | 7662 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 7/16 x 3/8 | 8-32 x 7/16 x 3/8hx m/f steel nickel standoff () | 2063 |
Olander | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1 1/16 x 3/16 | 4-40 x 1 1/16 x 3/16hx m/f brass nickel standoff () | 840 |
Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | raf m2103-3005-b-5 4.5mm hex m/f sd off 8mm length brass nickel plated | 1090 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | fascomp fm2110-2545-s-5md5mm 4.5mm hex m/f standoff 15mm lng m2.5 thread stl nickel w/5mm male thread length | 250 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | raf 4550-832-b-5 1/4 hex x 1.5 lg m/f standoff brass nickel pltd 4550-832-b-5 | 2550 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | raf m2111-3005-b-5 4.5mm hex m/f sd off 16mm length brass nickel plated | 300 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | raf m2102-3005-b-5 4.5mm hex m/f sd off 7mm length brass nickel plated | 2600 |
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Century | NY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 006-8624889 (s30mf16) male female hex standoff 16.0 mm lng x 6.0 mm hex x 6.0 mm thread length with a m3 thread in brass nickel plated per spec sheet ncr 006-8624889 | 60 |
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Field Fas | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 48 x 6 | M3-.5x48 m/f hex standoff 6 hex brass nickel | 1,000 |
Fastener | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/8 x 2 1/2 1/4 | standoff male/female 8-32x3/8 threadx2-1/2 long (1/4 hex) brass nickel plated | 200 |
Global | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 9743-b-0832-4 m/f standoff 1/4 hex x 1 l 8-32 thd br/ni 0.250 af x 1.375 l x 8-32 thd brass nickel 0.250 af x 1.375 l x 8-32 thd brass nickel | 1,000 |
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Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 3/16 | standoff m/f 3/16 hex brass nickelwith external tooth lock washer# 4-40 x # 4-40 x 3/16 x 5/16 in | 18457 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | M3 | standoff male female hex m3 w.spw & plw5.5 x 8.7 x 6.0 mm [rohs] steel nickel | 3460 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | M3 | standoff male female hex m3 w.spw & plw5.5 x 23.7 x 6.0 mm [rohs] steel nickel | 822 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | M3 | standoff male female hex m3 w.spw & plw5.5 x 28.7 x 6. 0 mm [rohs] steel nickel | 176 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | M3 | standoff male female hex m3 w.spw & plw5.5 x 18.7 x 6.0 mm [rohs] steel nickel | 6529 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | M3 | standoff male female hex m3 w spw & plw5.50 x 14.70 x 6.00mm [rohs] stl nickel | 557 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 3/16 | standoff m/f 3/16 hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.188 x 0.188brass nickel plated | 15340 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 4 40 x 0.220 | standoff m/f 0.188 hex [rohs]#4-40 x 4-40 x 0.220 x 0.260in brass nickel | 7948 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-400.188 x 0.188 x 0.313 | standoff male female hex #4-400.188 x 0.188 x 0.313 inbrass nickel | 1933 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 0.188 x 0.188 x 0.500 | standoff male female hex#4-40 0.188 x 0.188 x 0.500 inbrass nickel | 886 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-400.188 x 0.250 x 0.188 | standoff male female hex #4-400.188 x 0.250 x 0.188 inbrass nickel | 2692 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 | standoff male/female hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.188 x 0.197 x 0.268 inbrass nickel | 28745 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 3/16 | standoff m/f 3/16 hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.193 x 0.256 inbrass nickel plated | 630 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Nickel Plated | 3/16 | standoff m/f 3/16 hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.438 x 0.188steel nickel plated | 13255 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-400.250 x 0.275 x 0.188 | standoff male female hex #4-400.250 x 0.275 x 0.188 in brass nickelmfr p/n mf-16.275-0440-b-h-9 | 976 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | standoff m/f 1/4 hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.406 x 0.187steel nickel chromate | 12371 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | 0.197 | standoff m/f 0.197 hex w. shoulder#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.138 x 0.315 insteel nickel plated | 1791 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | standoff m/f 1/4 hex#4-40 x #4-40 x 0.562 x 0.188steel nickel | 4706 |
Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | standoff male-female 1/4 in hex #6-320.250 x 0.750 x 0.250 inbrass nickel plated mfr p/n 1954 | 2994 |
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Exim | S'pore | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 0.250 x 0.500 | standoff male female hex#8-32 x 0.250 x 0.500 x 0.236 mmbrass nickel | 282 |
WDMB | IA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | standoff m/f 1/4hx brs (ni) 4-40x.6 (W030) (W030) (W030) | 1,000 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | 1/4 hex male-female standoff-brass nickel plate | 440 |
OneMonroe | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | 1/4 hex male-female standoff-brass nickel plate | 9 |
WDMB | IA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | standoff m/f 1/4hx brs (ni) 6-32x1 1/4 | 500 |
FTS | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 12 | m/f s/o 6 hex | 250 |
Hodell | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 15 | M3-.5x15 brass hex m/f standoff nickel | 89 |
Hodell | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M3-0.50 x 15 | M3-.5x15 brass hex m/f standoff nickel | 89 |
Fastener | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 7/8 1/4 | m/f standoff 6-32x7/8 1/4 hex brass nickel plated | 385 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | x 3/4 | standoff m/f 1/4 hex 632 x 3/4 brass nickel plated | 200 |
TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | standoff m/f brass nickel hex x 1-1/2 long x 6-32 thd | 325 |
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TSF | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | stdf m/f brass nickle plated 5mm hex m2.5-0.45 x 15mm lg body. 6mm male and female thread length | 2800 |
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IRF | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 4/40 | standoff hex m-f m3.6.2 brass ni plate 4/40 female thread | 2,000 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 8 | 1/4hx3-1/8x8-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 100 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 4 | 1/4hx3/8x4-40 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 135 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 6 | 1/4hx3/8x6-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 3026 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 4 | 1/4hx3/4x4-40 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 50 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 6 | 1/4hx1-3/8x6-32 brass m/f standoff nickel pltd male=3/8 | 600 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M515 x 3 | M5hx15xm3 metric brass m/f standoff nickel pltd | 50 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M612 | M6hx12xm4 brass m/f hex standoff nickel plated | 1560 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M5.51 | M5.5hx18xm3 brass m/f hex standoff nickel plated | 106 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M5 x 10 x 3 | 5hx10xm3x.05 m/f brass standoff nickel plate | 44 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M515 | M5hx15xm3 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 173 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 6 | 1/4hx3/8x6-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 316 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 6 | 1/4hx1-1/2x6-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 400 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/43 x 8 | 1/4hx3x8-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 54 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/43 x 6 | 1/4hx3x6-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 55 |
ACF | CA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 10 | 3/8hx3/4x10-32 brass m/f standoff nickel plated | 100 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 3/8 | 6-32x3/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 3/8 | 4-40x3/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 | 6-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | 4-40x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1/4 | 8-32x1/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 5/8 | 4-40x5/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1/2 | 8-32x1/2 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/8 | 8-32x3/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/2 | 4-40x1/2 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/2 | 6-32x1/2 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 3/4 | 6-32x3/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/4 | 8-32x3/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 3/4 | 4-40x3/4 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 5/8 | 8-32x5/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 5/8 | 6-32x5/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 7/8 | 4-40x7/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 | 6-32x1 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 7/8 | 6-32x7/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 7/8 | 8-32x7/8 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
Kanebridge | IL | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1 | 4-40x1 one quarter hex male female standoff brass nickel | 12.500 |
NAPPCO | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 x 3/8 | 1/4x3/8(6-32)hex m/f standoff brass nickel plated | 5000 |
QFC | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 3 | standoff 1/4 hex 8-32 x 3 brass nickel plated m-f | 200 |
QFC | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | x 2 | standoff 1/4 hex 8-32 x 2 brass nickel plated m-f | 50 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 5/16 | stoff m/f 6-32 brass hx 5/16 bright nickel | 200 |
Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | stdff 4-40x.187x.462 hex m/f slot bright nickel | 85980 |
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Trifast | TX | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1/4 x 1.165 | 6-32x1/4x1.165 (250) m/f hex standoff stl bright nickel | 83000 |
MSTC | MA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | M2 x 10 | m2 x 10 bn 3321 int/ext thd standoff br/ni | 560 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx8mm long hex m/f standoff | 10,500 |
FastWare | Sask | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #4-40 x 1/4 | afx0.905 long hex m/f standoff | 3,585 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | hex m/f standoff 6-32x1 plate | 121 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | hex m/f standoff 1/4 hexx1-1/2 plate | 402 |
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AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | hex m/f standoff 6-32x1 plt | 2129 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | hex m/f standoff 6-32x1 plate | 121 |
AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | hex m/f standoff 1/4 hexx1-1/2 plate | 402 |
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AIH | AZ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | hex m/f standoff 6-32x1 plt | 2129 |
OBRIEN | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | 1/4 | hex m/f brass s/o 4-40x1 | 165 |
OBRIEN | OH | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Steel | Nickel Plated | 1/4 x 1/4 4 | 1/4 hexx1/4 long m/f hex s/o 4-40 brass | 1767 |
WSB | KY | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 3/4 | standoff m/f 1/4hx brs (ni) 6-32x3/4 | 1,508 |
GUIDON | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 x 1/4 AF | Keystone Electronics 1644 | 550 |
GUIDON | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 1/2 | Keystone Electronics 1645 | 483 |
GUIDON | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #6-32 x 1 1/4 | Keystone Electronics 1955 | 400 |
GUIDON | NJ | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 3/8 x 1/4 AF | Keystone Electronics 7220 | 200 |
Revcar | VA | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | #8-32 x 1 1/2 x 1/4 | hex m/f s/o | 850 |
Wurth | IN | Hex Male/Female Standoff | Brass | Nickel Plated | standoff-1/4-hex-mal-fem-br-(np)-6_32x5/8 male-female brass nickel plated | 4,000 |
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