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Hex Cap Screws, Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)

Hex Cap Screws are hex headed fasteners with external machine screw threads and differ from hex machine bolts by having a washer surface on the underside or bearing side of the head and a chamfered thread end. Hex cap screws have tighter dimensional tolerances than bolts. Metric hex cap screws are specified by various DIN, ISO and JIS standards, and US/Imperial hex cap screws are dimensionally specified by the ASME B18.2.1 specification.

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GLFOHHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.25 x 40M12-1.25x40 hhcs cl 8.8 stl geomet+ml black (glf insp level purple) din 961 () () ()1742
JacksonMSHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M30-3.50 x 320m30 x 3.50 x 320 mm 10.9 metric hex cap screw partially threaded iso 4014 85mm threads plain8
Cal FastenrsCAHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 4 1/2hex c/s grd 8 dacromet 3 x 320lv + 1 x plus-l 1000 hrs salt spray min250
Cal FastenrsCAHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)7/16-14 x 1 1/2hex c/s dacromet 3 x 320lv 1 coat + l 1,000 hrs salt spray min722
LibertyILHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 15/8-11x1 c/s dacromet 320 plus-100% dom.. with certs128
LibertyILHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 1 1/25/8-11x1-1/2 c/s dacromet 320 plus-100% dom.. with certs55
LibertyILHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 1 1/41/2-13x1-1/4 c/s dacromet 320 plus-100% dom.. with certs200
CenturyFLHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 2 1/25/8-11 x 2 1/2 hex c/s g-8 zinc-flake (DUPLEX E2A) (DUPLEX E2A) 95
CenturyFLHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 35/8-11 x 3 hex c/s g-8 zinc-flake duplex (E2A) (E2A) 80
CenturyFLHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 1 1/43/8-16 x 1 1/4 hex c/s g-5 zinc flake (DUPLEX E2A) (DUPLEX E2A) 330
CenturyFLHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1-8 x 71-8 x 7 hex c/s g-8 zinc-flake duplex (E2A) (E2A) 20
EndriesWIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 1 1/23/8-16x1-1/2 grade 5 hex head cap screw hex chrome free zinc flake silver 1 000 hours to red rust f2833 grade 11350
EndriesWIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13x6-1/2 grade 5 hex head cap screw hex chrome free zinc flake silver 1 000 hours to red rust90
EndriesWIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13x1-3/4 grade 5 hex head cap screw hex chrome free zinc flake silver 1 000 hours to red rust28
MTPCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 55M12x55 10.9 blk hex hd bolt b bb 50 fb 100 qk 500 din 931-cl400
Big RedOKHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 13/8-16 x 1 nc gr. 8 hex cap screws dacromet w/plus sealers819
Big RedOKHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/16-18 x 1 1/45/16-18 x 1-1/4 nc gr 8 hex cap screw dacromet w/plus sealers5,620
Big RedOKHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 1 1/43/8-16 x 1-1/4 nc gr 8 hex cap screw dacromet w/plus sealers1,699
Big RedOKHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 1 1/23/8-16 x 1-1/2 nc gr 8 hex cap screw dacromet w/plus sealers4,651
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10 x 40m10 x 40 iso 4017 8.8 zinc flake 0.15 hex head cap screw full thread 16mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 25m12 x 25 iso 4017 8.8 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full thread 18mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10 x 65m10 x 65 iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw partial thread 16mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 100m12 x 100 iso 4017 10.9 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full thread 18mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 30m12 x 30 iso 4017 8.8 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full thread 18mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 60m12 x 60 iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw partial thread 18mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10 x 50m10 x 50 iso 4017 10.9 zinc flake (flznl/nc/x/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full thread 16mm a/finquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 55m16 x 55 din 931 10.9 zinc flake flzn/tl 480h hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M27 x 320m27 x 320 din 931 / iso 4014 10.9 plain finish hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 100m16 x 100 din 931 / iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake 480 hour salt spray hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M33 x 320m33 x 320 din 931 / iso 4014 10.9 plain finish hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24 x 500m24 x 500 din 931 / iso 4014 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M64 x 320m64 x 320 din 931 / iso 4014 8.8 plain finish hex head cap screw partial threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24 x 80m24 x 80 din 933 / iso 4017 10.9 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24 x 500m24 x 500 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 plain finish hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M8 x 30m8 x 30 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 zinc flake 0.15 hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M20 x 140M20x140 / iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake hex head cap screw partial thread zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) din 931inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 90M16x90 10.9 zinc flake flzn/tl 480h hex head cap screw partial thread din 931inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M20 x 70M20x70 / iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw partial thread din 931inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24 x 160M24x160 / iso 4014 10.9 zinc flake hex head cap screw partial thread zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) din 931inquire
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1 1/2-6 x 91 1/2-6 x 9 hcs gr5 geomet6
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1-8 x 41-8 x 4 hcs gr.8 geomet104
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewSteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1-8 x 4 1/41-8 x 4 1/4 hcs 8 geomet41
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/4-10 x 3 1/23/4-10 x 3 1/2 gr8 hhcs geomet45
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 75/8-11 x 7 hcs gr5 geomet 2275
NutsBoltsNEHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/4-10 x 3 1/23/4-10 x 3 1/2 hcs gr.5 geomet 3539
WeaverWAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24-3.00 x 32024-3.0x320 class 8.8 hex c/s plain1
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24-3.00 x 60M24x3.0x60 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (15) (15) (15) ()15
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M33-3.50 x 260M33x3.5x260 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l din 931 (16) (16) (16) ()16
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24-3.00 x 70M24x3.0x70 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (23) (23) (23) ()23
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M42-4.50 x 300M42x4.5x300 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l coated (9) (9) (9) ()9
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 35M16x2.0x35 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (58) (58) (58) ()58
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 100M16x2.0x100 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (95) (95) (95) ()95
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M33-3.50 x 280M33x3.5x280 hex cap screw class 10.9 dacromet 500b din 931 (50) (50) (50) ()50
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewSteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 50M16x2.0x50 hex cap screw a490m dacromet 320 plus l (228) (228) (228) ()228
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 30M12x1.75x30 hex cap screw per 10.9 zinc flake per jdm f13b iso 4017 (310) (310) (310) ()310
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M42-4.50 x 220M42x4.5x220 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l coated din 931 (387) (387) (387) ()387
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewSteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 70M16x2.0x70 hex cap screw a490m dacromet 320 plus l (399) (399) (399) ()399
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 45M16x2.0x45 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (437) (437) (437) ()437
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 30M12x1.75x30 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (439) (439) (439) ()439
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10-1.50 x 35M10x1.5x35 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (456) (456) (456) ()456
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 35M12x1.75x35 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (456) (456) (456) ()456
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10-1.50 x 40M10x1.5x40 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (462) (462) (462) ()462
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10-1.50 x 50M10x1.5x50 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (459) (459) (459) ()459
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 55M16x2.0x55 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (475) (475) (475) ()475
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 1 1/43/8-16x1 1/4 hex cap screw grade 8 dacromet 320 plus l (527) (527) (527) ()527
CIFILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 40M12x1.75x40 hex cap screw 10.9 dacromet 320 plus l (212) (212) (212) ()212
WeaverWAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 32016-2.0x320 class 8.8 hex c/s plain5
EximS'poreHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 40screw hex headsteel 8.8 dacrometm12 x 40 mm full thread din 9331
ACFCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M8-1.25 x 25M8-1.25x25 metric 8.8 hex c/s zinc flake rohs985
General FMIHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.50 x 40m12-1.5x40 hhcs 10.9 full thread din 9619,990
General FMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/16-18 x 1 3/45/16-18 x 1.75 hhcs gr8 dorrl b18.2.111658
General FMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 5.5HF 3/8-16 X 5.50 HHCS GR8 MAGNI 5654652
QFCTXHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)9/16-12 x 49/16-12x4 hex c/s gr8 black dacromet and seal b18.2.1275
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 40M12x40 8.8 zinc flake (flzn/nc/tl/x/480h/c) hex head cap screw full thread 18 a/f iso 4017inquire
SRFALHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4-20 x 1/2hcs dacro-
SRFALHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4-20 x 3/4hcs dacro-
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4-20 x 1 1/41/4-20x1-1/4 k500 hhcs mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 usa m1222rn4c220ncnn b18.2.18
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-20 x 21/2-20 x 2 k500 hhcs mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 k500 usa m1222rn8f232ncnn b18.2.12
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)7/16-14 x 2 1/47/16-14 x 2-1/4 hhcs mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 k500 usa m1222rn7c236ncnn b18.2.12
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/16-18 x 3 1/45/16-18 x 3-1/4 k500 hhcs mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 usa m1222rn5c252ncnn b18.2.15
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 1 1/21/2-13 x 1-1/2 hhcs k500 mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 usa b18.2.165
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewNi-Cu Alloy (Monel, K-Monel, etc.)Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 1 1/21/2-13 x 1-1/2 hhcs k500 mil-dtl-1222j ty 1 gr 500 usa b18.2.165
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 31/2-13 X 3 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 565770
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)9/16-12 x 1 1/29/16-12 X 1-1/2 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 5651100
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 41/2-13 X 4 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 565210
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 21/2-13 X 2 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 5652230
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 4 1/21/2-13 X 4-1/2 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 565375
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/8-16 x 2 1/43/8-16 X 2-1/4 GR 5 HHCS GM7114M / MAGNI 565610
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 2 3/41/2-13 X 2-3/4 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M1150
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 1 1/41/2-13 X 1-1/4 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M4300
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)7/16-14 x 6 1/27/16-14 X 6-1/2 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M520
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 101/2-13 X 10 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M1950
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 1 1/21/2-13 X 1-1/2 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M4120
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 3 1/41/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M1220
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 4 3/41/2-13 X 4-3/4 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M50
MMFMIHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 5 1/21/2-13 X 5-1/2 GR 5 HHCS MAGNI 565 / GM7114M1040
GUIDONNJHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 45FULLY THREADED din 933 DELTA DORKEN MKS 25
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 2 1/21/2-13 x 2 1/2 hhc gr5 full thread zinc flake coating per 705100300 rev 6 cps 5035/5039 pack 80 per poly bag33,302
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/8-11 x 9 1/2scr hcs gr5 (zf) 5/8-11x9 1/2 zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 pack at 15 per poly bag5,876
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 240scr hcs din 931 8.8 (zf) m12x240 zinc flake2,269
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M19-12 x 65scr din 931 8.8 ws19 (zf) m12x65 hex cap screw zinc flake coating per 705100300 pack 50 per poly bag23,600
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1-8 x 2 1/21-8 x 2-1/2 hhc gr5 full thread zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 pack 15 per poly bag2,148
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/2-13 x 101/2-13 x 10 hhc gr5 full thread zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 pack 40 per poly bag1,292
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12 x 100m12 x 100 hex hd cap pc 10.9 din 931 zf zinc flake silver chrome free dip spin per 705100300 cps 5035/503 pack 50 per poly bag13,231
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16-2.00 x 75m16-2.0 x 75 hcs din 931 pc 10.9 zinc flake2,172
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/4-10 x 143/4-10 x 14 hhc gr5 full thread zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039265
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M22-1.50 x 70m22-1.5 x 70 hhcs pc 8.8 iso 4014 partial thread zinc flake per 705100300 cps 50035/5039592
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M10 x 20scr hcs ft st 10.9 din 933 (zf) m10x20 zinc flake1,390
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 70m16 x 70 hhc pc 8.8 zinc flake din 931 per 705100300 rev 07 cps 50352,400
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M20-2.50 x 120scr hcs 8.8 (zf) m20-2.5x120 zinc flake672
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 200m16 x 200 hex hd cap screw pc 8.8 zf zinc flake coating per 705100300 5035/5039 pack 20 per poly bag569
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)5/16-18 x 1 3/45/16-18 x 1-3/4 hhc gr5 full thread zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 pack 150 per poly bag6,943
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M20-2.50 x 70m20-2.5x70 f/t hcs pc 10.9 zn flake599
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1-8 x 5 1/2scr hcs gr5 (zf) 1-8x5 1/2 drw zinc flake w/hole drilled per print 700108808 rev 4301
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewGrade 5Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/4-10 x 1 1/23/4-10 x 1-1/2 hcs w/ nylon patch gr5 zf zinc flake coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 per print 367451x1 rev 5 pack 50 per poly bag198
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M16 x 40m16 x 40 hcs pc 8.8 zincflake din 933 zf coating per 705100300 cps 5035/5039 pack 50 per poly bag2,486
WurthINHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M14 x 30m14 x 30 hcs din 933 10.9 zinc flake coating per 705100300 rev6 cps 5035/5039 pack 100 per poly bag1,930
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M33-3.50 x 220hex c/s dacromet40
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M30-3.50 x 280hex c/s dacromet silver56
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M36-4.00 x 160hex c/s dacromet silver78
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 40hex c/s dacromet silver din 93124
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M12-1.75 x 70hex c/s dacromet silver din 93141
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24-3.00 x 80hex c/s dacromet silver din 9316
LightningLAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)M24-3.00 x 170hex c/s dacromet silver din 9316

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