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Drive Pin Anchors , 400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)

Drive Pin Anchors are installed in pre-drilled holes with either a hammer strike or powder actuated force that drives a nail into the anchoring material, expanding the anchor to form a tight fit. When the pin is flush, the anchor is set.

2 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Drive Pin Anchors from one of our FCH Network Members
Raw ProduNJDrive Pin Anchor (Ramset etc.)400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)Plain15torx tp flat head sd 410 ss #8 x 1/2-t15 drive-pin in2866
CenturyNYDrive Pin Anchor (Ramset etc.)400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)Plainaeroquip p/n 66399-10 drive pin 416ss per print132

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