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Counterbore Screws, Dip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)

12-point Flange Screws, Counterbore Screws,  Ferry Head Cap Screws or Counterbore Screws, feature a 12 point head and a flanged bearing surface. Usually fully threaded, the 12-point design provides for higher tightening torque, without edge rounding and they are covered under ASME Standard B18.2.1

4 results, (click on any line for more information)

Search Results Sponsored by Metric Threaded Products, Inc., your source for 12 Point Flange Screws. For more results, visit   www.metric-threaded.com
Buy Counterbore Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
American WI12 Point Flange Screw (CounterBore)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)11.91-8x139.7mm 12 point flange bolt 11.9 magni 565 (per print #468-4981)14
CIFIL12 Point Flange Screw (CounterBore)Class 10.9Dip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)M12-1.25 x 25M12x1.25x25 12 point flange bolt 10.9 grade per tms-4518 (magni 565 type 1) with patch per print special flange od (9606) (9606) (9595) ()9595
CIFIL12 Point Flange Screw (CounterBore)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)mj14x2.0x150 12 point flange bolt (with 5/8 head dims) steel per 1e1800 and coating per 1e1675g (magni 565 silver) (18) ()18
WurthIN12 Point Flange Screw (CounterBore)Class 10.9Dip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)M12 x 50m12 x 50 countr-bor pc 10.9 magni555 per print 704275 rev c p/n 704275-01 pack 100 per poly bag500

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