FCH News

50mm length Confirmat Screws

Confirmat Screws are of European origin and were specifically designed for use in cabinetry or other box-type construction for joining edge-to-face joints involving particle board or MDF.

6 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Confirmat Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
MESAFASTCAConfirmat ScrewSteelPlainM7 x 50m7 x 50mm #3pozi flat w/nibs conformat screw z blunt point ft10752-000-008,000.0
AbabaCAConfirmat ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM7 x 50m7 x 50 pozi dr. confirmat screw steel znc12000
AbabaCAConfirmat ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM7 x 50m7 x 50 pozi dr. confirmat screw steel znc4000
CenturyNYConfirmat ScrewSteelBlack Oxide7x50 flat pozi confirmat screw black m7 x 50 confirmat screw flat pozi head steel black ox800
MESAFASTCAConfirmat ScrewSteelBlack OxideM7 x 50#3pozi flat w/nibs conformat blunt point blunt point2,000.0
OBRIENOHConfirmat ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM7 x 50confirmat1150

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