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Concrete Screws (slotted)

Masonry Screws, also called Concrete Screws or Multi-Material Screws, are self-tapping screws used in many anchoring applications that involve concrete, mortar joints, brick etc. They are usually made from carbon steel or stainless steel, and usually have a protective coating.

149 results, (click on any line for more information)

< td>1,000
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UNEEDANJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3/16 x 1 1/4slotted hex w/h masonry sc teflon1000
R&S IndusORConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 3 3/41/4 x 3 3/4 titen slotted hex washer head concrete screw blue ttn25334h / 100100
CenturyFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain#14 x 2 1/4#14 x 2 1/4 slotted ind hex washer tapcon (STL ZI/BLUE LEAVE IN BOXES 100 PER) (STL ZI/BLUE LEAVE IN BOXES 100 PER) 500
CenturyFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 3/41/4 x 2-3/4 slotted hex washer concrete scr (1/4 X 2-3/4 SLOT HEX WASHER HD CONCRETE SCREW BLUE FINSIH) (1/4 X 2-3/4 SLOT HEX WASHER HD CONCRETE SCREW BLUE FINSIH) 416
Future FastenerTXConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4 x 1 3/4 hex wash slotted (tapcon) screw blue100
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 11/4x1 slotted hex wash con-sert masonry screw kit1
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 3 1/43/16x3-1/4 slotted hex wash tapcon mason kit200
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 3/41/4x2-3/4 slotted hex wash tapcon mason kit100
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/4concrete scrw hex slotted blue1325
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/4concrete scrw hex slotted blue557
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/4concrete scrw hex slotted blue1669
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/4concrete scrw hex slotted blue1000
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 4concrete scrw hex slotted blue200
YANKEENHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 5concrete scrw hex slotted100
EndriesWIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlainhcs3611 3/16x1-1/4 slotted hex washer head concrete screw1900
EndriesWIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/4hw4-234 1/4x2-3/4 slotted hex washer head tapcon blue climaseal (itw red head only)1600
KomarILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelZinc/Clear#10 x 2 1/4#10x2 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete sc zc blue chromate
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1-3/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()3960
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()1415
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 3 1/43/16x3-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()200
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()1366
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 3 1/41/4x3-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()412
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 3/43/16x2-3/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()684
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/41/4x2-3/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()846
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 41/4x4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()1500
BHAMALConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1 3/4 hwh slotted tapcon climaseal2540
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Plain1/4 x 1 3/41/4 x 1-3/4 slotted hex hd tapcon concrete screw 18-8 s/s |30
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 3 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 3-1/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 1 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-3/16 x 1-1/41490
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 2-1/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 1 3/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-3/16 x 1-3/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 3/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 2-3/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 3 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-3/16 x 3-1/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 1-1/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 3/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-1/4 x 1-3/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 2 1/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-3/16 x 2-1/4500
Raw ProduNJConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 2 3/4concrete screw hex slottedwhite-coated-3/16 x 2-3/4500
Jay-CeeMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal100
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 1 3/4slotted hex washer concrete screw7376
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 2 1/4slotted hex washer concrete screw4350
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 5slotted hex washer tapcon concrete screws SCON-14X5.00HWS100
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)10 x 1 1/410 x 1-1/4 slot hex washer tapcon concrete screw prmaseal blue4850
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain#10 x 1 3/4#10 x 1-3/4 hex wash slot concrete screw8350
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain10 x 2 3/4hex washer slotted concrete screw2400
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 3 1/414 x 3 1/4 slot hex washer concrete screw2000
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 2 3/4slotted hex washer concrete screw4300
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 3 3/414 x 3-3/4 slot hex washer tapcons1637
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 61/4 x 6 slotted ind hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue500
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 1/43/16x2-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()1238
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 1/43/16x1-3/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()656
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 1/43/16x1-1/4 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()1464
GLFOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 51/4x5 slotted indented hwh tapcon concrete screw stl blue () () ()200
Fastener OHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)hex washer slotted concrete screw 3/16x4 blue 100
Fastener OHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)slotted hex washer concrete screw 1/4x2-1/4 tapking blue 2350
SWACOOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4 x 1-3/4 indent hwh slot concrete screws blue fin.2213
SWACOOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4 x 1-1/4 slotted ind hx wh concrete screws stl blue805
SWACOOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)< /td>3/16 x 2 1/43/16x2-1/4 indented hex washerh slotted concrete sc blue2000
ManscoMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2-1/4 indented hex washer slotted concrete screw anchor blue finish975
EndriesWIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1-3/4 slotted hex washer head masonry tapping screw6500
ManscoMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 43/16 x 4 indented hex washer slotted concrete screw anchor blue finish1000
ManscoMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 3 1/43/16 x 3-1/4 indented hex washer slotted concrete screw anchor blue1500
ManscoMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/21/4x2-1/2 indented hex washer slotted concrete screw anchor blue finish 100/box200
ManscoMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1-1/4 indented hex washer slotted concrete screw anchor blue finish 100/box500
BHAMALConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1 1/4 hwh slotted concr scr1000
AFIFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)3/16x4 slotted hex wash hd tapcon st blue ()2400
AFIFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1-1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon st blue () ()3800
AFIFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 3/43/16x1-3/4 slotted hex washer tapcon st blue () ()2200
AFIFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4-15 x 61/4-15x6 hx wash hd slotted tapcon blue () ()847
ASMCILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2 1/4 concrete screw slotted hex washer hd low carb blue203
ASMCILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 3 3/41/4x3 3/4 concrete screw slot hex washer hd low carb blue clearance100
ASMCILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/4concrete slotted hex washer hd low carb blue100
ASMCILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 3 1/4concrete screw slotted hex washer hd low carb blue600
ASMCILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/4concrete screw slotted hex washer hd low carb blue1,000
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/4slotted hex was concrete blue perma-seal682
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/4slotted hex was concrete scr blue perma-seal1900
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/4slotted hex was concrete w/bit blue perma-seal200
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 1/4slotted hex was concrete blue perma-seal600
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 3/4slotted hex was concrete blue perma-seal2400
ACCURATEILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 1/4slotted hex was concrete blue perma-seal1450
CenturyNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 2-3/4 slot hex washer concrete scr 1/4 x 2-3/4 slot hex washer hd concrete screw blue finsih516
CenturyNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)#14 x 2 1/4 slotted ind hex washer tapcon stl zi/blue leave in boxes 100 per500
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1-3/4 slotted hex washer tapcon blue coated TCH025A01751,270
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 1/43/16x2 1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon blue TCH018T02252,500
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain#14 x 2 1/4#14x2-1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon with bit250
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelZinc/Clear#14 x 1#14x1 slotted hex washer tapcon z100
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2-1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon tapcon330
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1-1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon coated TCH025A01252,800
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 1 3/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr4,000
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 1 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr5,000
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 2 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr2,500
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr2,500
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 3/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr1,500
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 5slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr500
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 3/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr1,000
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 3 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr1,500
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 6slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr400
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr1,200
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 2 3/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr2,000
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr700
XL ScrewGAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 3 1/4slotted ihw concrete screws h t diamond point blue rusp 500 hr800
KomarILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelZinc/Clear#14 x 3 1/4#14x3 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete sc zc blue chromate300
MTPCAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/41/4x2 3/4 blue-coated slotted hwh tapcon screwstock
Purchase MOConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/41/4 x 2 3/4 slotted hwh concrete screw 1022 steel blue600
IPCVAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1 1/4 hwh slotted tapcon screw blue climaseal itw only3,500
IPCVAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 3 1/41/4x3 1/4 hwh slotted tapcon screw blue itw only75
IPCVAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1 1/4 hwh slotted tapcon screw1,400
RePneu ToMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 3 1/41/4x3 1/4 hwhslotted concrete screw300
RePneu ToMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 1/43/16 x2 1/4 indent hwh slot blue tapking sd concrete screw durablecoat100
RePneu ToMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 51/4 x5 indent hwh slot blue tapking sd concrete screw durablecoat200
HBBOLTCAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain3/16 x 2 3/4hex wsh slotted ultracon HUC 316234
WDMBIAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlainM1/4-1.00 x 1/4scr concrete hwh slotted clm 1/4x1 1/4 (W010)1,300
WDMBIAConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelZinc/Clear3/16 x 1 1/4screw concrete hexwhd steel (zn) slotted 3/16x1 1/4 (W0W0)6,730
FasSpcMfgFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlain#5-40 x 9/64slotted pan grade 24
FasSpcMfgFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlain#8-32 x 1/4slotted pan grade 217
FasSpcMfgFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlain#8-32 x 1/2slotted pan3
FasSpcMfgFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlain3/8-16 x 3/8special slotted grade 4. =1/2x1/4 slot=1/16x3/32 threadrelief=1/162
FasSpcMfgFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlainM5-0.80 x 15slotted flat9
HodellOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4 x2 1/4 slotted hwh tapcon concrete screw stalguard/blue42
HodellOHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4 x2 1/4 slotted hwh tapcon concrete screw stalguard/blue42
ISSCOMOConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 4slotted hex washer tapcon blue2900
Fastener OHConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)slotted hex washer tapcon screw 1/4x2-1/4 hardened steel blue1,040
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 1/43/16x2 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 1/43/16x1 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 1 3/43/16x1 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 2 3/43/16x2 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 3 1/43/16x3 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 3 3/43/16x3 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4x2 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)3/16 x 43/16x4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 3 1/41/4x3 1/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 3 3/41/4x3 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 3/41/4x2 3/4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 41/4x4 slotted hex washer concrete screw with drill bit blue perma seal2.500
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 61/4x6 slotted hex was concrete w/bit blue perma-seal1,000
Kanebridge ILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 51/4x5 slotted hex was concrete w/bit blue perma-seal1,000
BHAMFLConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 1/41/4x1 1/4 hwh slotted concr scr300
SonfastSCConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 2 3/41/4x2-3/4 slotted hex washer tapcon screw500
SonfastSCConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 1 3/41/4x1-3/4 slotted hex washer tapcon screw1,500
SonfastSCConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain1/4 x 3 3/41/4x3-3/4 slotted hex washer tapcon screw500
QFCTXConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelDip-Spin, Spray-Spin Basecoat + Topcoats (Dacromet, Doerken, Geomet, Magni, etc.)1/4 x 2 1/41/4 x 2 1/4 slotted indented hex washer head blue taping sd concrete screw durablecoat400
LibertyILConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelZinc/Clear#14 x 2 1/4#14x2-1/4 slotted hex washer tapcon TCH014T0225Z200
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 2 1/4slotted hex washer concrete screw1500
AmericanNYConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelPlain14 x 1 3/4slotted hex washer concrete screw300
ASFCORPMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 61/4 x 6 slotted ind hex wshr hd tapcon anchor stl case hard blu perma seal300
ASFCORPMIConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)SteelElectrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.)1/4 x 1 3/41/4x 1 3/4 slotted ind hex wshr hd tapcon anchor stl case hard blu perma seal pkg39
THRDFASTALConcrete/Masonry Screw (Tapcon, Titen etc.)TitaniumPlain1/4-20 x 2 1/2slotted flat5

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