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1 inch length Bonded Abrasives

A resin Bonded Abrasive is a grinding or cutting tool composed of abrasive grains which are held tightly together by a bonding agent (Resin), and typically reinforced with a woven material. Within the bonded abrasives category are grinding and cutting wheels, as well as “stones” in a variety of shapes and sizes. Abrasive grains, also referred to as grit, are particles of man-made compounds. The chemical structure of the grains determines the physical properties such as the shape and sharpness of each particle along with its hardness and propensity to break down.

33 results, (click on any line for more information)

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OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel1/2 x 1 x 1202 1/2 x 1 x 120 grit flap wheel6
OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel3 x 1 x 1/43 x 1 x 1/4 60 grit interleaf flap wheel8
OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel2 x 1 x 1/42 x 1 x 1/4 shank aluminum oxide flap wheel 60 grit10
OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel3 x 13 x 1 flap wheel fine 80 grit7
OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel3 x 13 x 1 flap wheel fine5
TownCountryARBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)8 x 1 x 1bench grinding wheel 60 grit5
TownCountryARBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1 1/4carbo cut woodworking wheel8
R&S IndusORBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel2 x 1flap wheels 2 x 1 120 ao 1/4 shank 39934/105
R&S IndusORBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel1 x 1 x 1/41 x 1 x 1/4 aluminum oxide flap wheel 120g 71036/1013
OneMonroeNCBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel1 1/2 x 1 x 801-1/2 x 1 x 80 grit flap wheel2
NutsBoltsNEBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)14 x 1 x 1/814 x 1 x 1/8 cutoff wheel4
EmpireWABonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1exl debur wheel 6 x 1 x 16
EndriesWIBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel1 x 1 x 1/41x1x1/4 abrasive flap wheel std-t 60grt10
BHAMALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel2 x 1 x 1/42 x 1 x 1/4 180 grit mount flap wheel20
BHAMALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel2 x 1 x 1/42 x 1 x 1/4 120 grit mount flap wheel30
EndriesWIBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Steel80977526111 1x1 80 grit aluminum oxide flap wheel 1/4 shank66
QCSORBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Aluminum2 x 1 x 1/42x1 x 1/4 aluminum oxide flap wheel camel grinding wheels5
QCSORBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Aluminum1 x 1 x 1/41x1 x 1/4 aluminum oxide flap wheel camel grinding wheels2
QCSORBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)Aluminum1 1/2 x 1 x 1/41-1/2x1 x 1/4 aluminum oxide flap wheel camel grinding wheels5
ManscoMIBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)10 x 1 x 1 1/4 36/4610x1 x 1-1/4 gemini coarse 36/46 grinding wheel a/o 1/box2
MidStatesMIBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)1 x 1 x 3/161x1x3/16 deburr wheel 3m #048011-13713300
SpencerOHBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)SteelZinc/Clear1/4 x 11/4 x 1 lg steel truss combo hd barrel bolt zinc3000
SpencerOHBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)SteelZinc/Clear1/4 x 1lg truss combo hd barrel bolt3000
OSSCORIBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 16x1 x 1 metal bench grinding wheel1
FastWareSaskBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1fastcut deburring wheel3
FastWareSaskBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)14 x 114x1 metal cut off wheel makita15
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)10 x 1 x 1 1/4 6010 x 1 x 1 1/4 a60 bench gr wheel ty 1 a-
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1 606 x 1 x 1 a60 bench gr wheel ty 1 al ox-
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)8 x 1 x 1 608 x 1 x 1 a60 bench gr wheel ty 1 al ox-
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)8 x 1 x 3fibratex convolute wheels3
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1med fibratex convolute wheel2
SRFALBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)8 x 1 x 1 608 x 1 x 1 a60 bench gr wheel ty 1 al ox-
THRDFASTTNBonded Abrasives (Chop Saw/Cut Off Wheels, Grinding Wheels, etc.)6 x 1 x 1cut & polish finish wheel med3

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