M4 Hex Nuts (DIN 934)
Finished Hex nuts are hexagonal, internally threaded fasteners, mated with bolts, studs, screws, and other externally threaded products. The purpose of a hex nut is to ensure that the bolt, etc., stays in place. Hex nuts of standard thickness are called finished hex nuts.
306 Finished Hex Nut (din 934), showing 200, (click on any line for more information)
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Supplier | Loc | Type | Material | Finish | Size | Description | Qty | |
Century | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | M4.0 316 s/s hex nuts din 934 | 507 |
Century | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Black Oxide | M4 | M4 hex nut a2 black oxide din 934 | 450 |
SWACO | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | M4 hex ms nut a4 din 934 | 78 |
SWACO | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4x0.7 hex ms nut a2 din 934 | 2477 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-.7-0.70 | nut hex machine m4-.7 steel/ zinc 1 bn1983m4 din 934 | 13287 |
SWACO | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.70 finished nut hex stainless steel a2 din 934 | 400 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.7-0.70 | nut hex m4-0.7 a2 stainless / iso 4032 din 934 | 6030 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 hex nut cl 8 steel zinc din 934 | 16600 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Black Oxide | M4-.7-0.70 | m4-.7 hex nut ss blk ox din 934 | 4000 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-.7-0.70 | nut hex machine m4-.7 steel/ zinc 1 bn1983m4 din 934 | 13287 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 hex nut cl 8 steel zinc din 934 | 16600 |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.7-0.70 | nut hex m4-0.7 a2 stainless / iso 4032 din 934 | 6030 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Nickel Plated | M4-934 | m4 din 934-brass nickel hex nuts | 2,001 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934-brass hex nuts | 3,627 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | m4 din 934-8 y/zn hex nut | 147,000 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din din 934-10 zn hex nuts | 8,200 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | m4 din 934-10 y/zn hex nuts | 6,400 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934-s.s a2-70 hex nuts | 5,980 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934-s.s a4-70 hex nuts | 2,500 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934-8 zn hex nut | 395,729 |
Liberty | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | finish hex nut a2 18-8 304 din 934 | 55 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4(.7) hex nut din 934 | 3609 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4(.7) hex finish nut 6/6 din 934 | 379 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4(.7) hex nut a2 (18-8) din 934 | 14884 |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | M4 a4 stainless hex nut din 934 | 20159 |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 class 8 hex nut tri clear zinc 72 white rust and sealer din 934 | 400 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-100 per bag a2 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut m4-.70 class 8 steel zinc din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-50 per bag a4 m4-.70 din 934 | 300 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a4 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut m4-.70 class 8 steel zinc din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a4 m4-.70 din 934 | 2000 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut brass m4-.70 brass din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-50 per bag a4 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut brass m4-.70 brass din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-100 per bag a2 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a2 m4-.70 din 934 | 48000 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a2 m4-.70 din 934 | 120000 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a2 m4-.70 din 934 | 15000 |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut m4-.70 class 8 steel zinc din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | IN | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-.7 hex nut 18-8 ss 100 per small bag 5 small bags per master pack-generic brand din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut a4 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-100 per bag a2 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut brass m4-.70 brass din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut m4-.70 class 8 steel zinc din 934 | inquire |
Brikksen | FL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut-50 per bag a4 m4-.70 din 934 | inquire |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 fin hex nut 316 s/s din 934 () () () | 4567 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 25198 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 fin hex nut 18-8 s/s | din 934 | 100 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 1408 |
Century | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | m 4.0 steel zinc & yellow hex nuts din 934 | 85 |
NAPPCO | TX | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4x0.7 kep locknut s/s a2 din 934 | 1475 |
NAPPCO | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | 4m-0.7 hex fin nut din 934 stl8 zp | 50 |
NAPPCO | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4 | 4m-0.7 hex fin nut din 934 steel | 315 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | metric hex nut-zinc m 4 cl.8 cr3 din 934 | 133,550 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 hex nuts a2 stainless steel | 3151 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 hex nut 316 stainless steel | 250 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934 steel hex nut zinc trivalent clear | 50 |
BHAM | AL | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-.7 hex finish nut brass | din 934 | 100 |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex nut a-2 din 934 | stock |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex finish nut zc din 934 | stock |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex finish nut brass din 934 | stock |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex finish nut a4 ss din 934 | stock |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 nex nut plain din 934 | stock |
MtrcSpec | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex finish nut left hnd din 934 | stock |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | m4 a2 stainless left hand hex nut din 934 | 21700 |
QCS | OR | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex m/s nut stainless din 934 | 449 |
QCS | OR | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex m/s nut zinc din 934 | 900 |
SJS Prod | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 hexnut prop. cl. 6 st. zp din 934 | 100 |
Fastener | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | finished hex nut m4-0.7 a4 ss din 934 | 792 |
Wurth Ind | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | hex nut i6i ws7 a2c m4 steel zinc/yellow din 934 | 8025 |
SWACO | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4x.7 hex ms nuts cl 8 zinc din 934 | 551 |
National | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Grade 8 | Plain | M4 | m4 hex nut gr8 din 934 | 70 |
National | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4x.70 hex nut 316 ss din 934 | 1239000 |
National | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | m4hn hx low nt a2 s.s. din 934 | 1600 |
WINA | MN | Finished Hex Nut | Aluminum | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | hex nut i6i ws7 a2c m4 din 934 | 8025 |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | M4 finished hex nut trivalent clear zinc din 934 | 575 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.6 zinc plated hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.6 plain finish hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Nickel Plated | M4 | m4 din 934 brass nickel plated hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | M4 cl.8 zinc yellow plated hex nut din 934 | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | M4 a2 18-8 304 steel hex nut din 934 (HEX NUT) | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | M4 a4 stainless steel hex nut din 934 (HEX NUT) | 2,500 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.8 zinc hex nut hex nut (HEX NUT) | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 12.9 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.12 plain finish hex nut hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.8 plain finish hex nut hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 brass hex nut hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.10 plain finish hex nut hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 left cl.8 plain finish l.h. thread hex nut l.h. thread hex nut | inquire |
Hodell | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-.7 fin hex nut cl8 b633 ty 1 din 934 () | 6600 |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | coarse cl8 hex nut med carb din 934 | 153 |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | coarse cl8 hex nut med carb zp din 934 | 277 |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | coarse / iso 4032 cl10 hex nut med carb din 934 | 350 |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | coarse hex nut ss18-8 din 934 | 3,263 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4 x .7 din 934 finished hex nut cl 10 | 900 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4 x .7 din 934 zi-di finished hex nut cl 10 | 400 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4 x .7 din 934 finished hex nut cl 10 | 15241 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4 x .7 din 934k st. st. keps nut a2 | 516 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut class 6 din 934 | 683 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | st. st. hex nut a2 din 934 | 4700 |
Alma Bolt | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut class 6 din 934 | 16316 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4 | hex nut din 934 | 2138 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | hex nut din 934 | 1785 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4-0.50 | hex nut fine din 934 | 273 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 11730 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Aluminum | Plain | M4 | hex nut aluminium din 934 | 200 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | M4 | hex nut din 934 | 100 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | hex nut s/s din 934 | 1690 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | class 6 hex nuts din 934 | 8 |
Exim | S'pore | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Passivated | M4 | hexagon nut m4stainless steel a4 passivateddin 934 | 1602 |
Exim | S'pore | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Yellow | M4-7.00 x 3.2 | nut hex steel class 10 m4zinc yellow chromate plated7.00 x 3.2 mm din 934 mfr p/n 92497a250 | 150 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.70 din 934 coarse metric stainless a2-70 hex nut | 4000 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Black Oxide | M4-0.70 | m4-0.70 hex nuts class 10 din 934 black | 480 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 zinc finish steel class 10 hex nut) | 8775 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 pl cl8 coarse thread finished hex nut) | 6168 |
NAPPCO | TX | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4 | 4m-0.7 hex fin nut din 934 s/s a2 | 77 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | M4 a4 stainless steel hex nut din 934 | 2,500 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 hex nut steel plain din 934 l bn 115 | 6000 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 hex nut steel plain din 934 l bn 115 | 6000 |
IPC | VA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4-.7 finished hex nut class 8 steel cr3 zinc-rohs rohs zinc plating din 934 | 500 |
IPC | VA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Yellow | M4-0.70 | M4-.7 finished hex nut steel class 10 zinc yellow din 934 | 200 |
IPC | VA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-.7 finished hex nut steel class 10 din 934 | 600 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut left hand din 934l class 8 plain | 900 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 class 8 zinc/clear | 164995 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Yellow | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 class 8 zinc/yellow | 25639 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 class 10 plain | 219526 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut left hand din 934l class 8 zinc/clear | 5638 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 class 8 plain | 591286 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 a2 s/s plain | 68215 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 a4 s/s plain | 2795 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Aluminum | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 aluminum plain | 7180 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 brass plain | 71364 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Nylon (Polyamide) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 nylon plain | 20 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4x.7 sealing hex nut din 934sl class 8 | inquire |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Black Oxide | M4-0.70 | m4x.7 hex nut a2 blox din 934 black oxide | inquire |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4x.7 hex nut a4-80 din 934 | inquire |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4x.7 hex nut a4-70 din 934 | inquire |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.50 | m4x.5 hex nut class 8 zinc plate din 934 | inquire |
WDMB | IA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4 | nut hex i10i ws7 (a2k) m4 din 934 | 1,114 |
WDMB | IA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4 | nut hex brs ws7 m4 din 934 | 1,602 |
QFC | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-.7 hex nut brass din 934 | 960 |
Hodell | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 hex nut din 934brass to prt | 2100 |
Hodell | OH | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4-.70 hex nut a2 18-8 304 din 934 | 14456 |
IRF | NJ | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | M4-0.70 | hex finish nut a2 s/s din 934 | 7270 |
SIS | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | M4 hex nut stl zinc clear rohs compliant din 934 | 14900 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934-8 zinc plated m4-0.7 | 118 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934 a2 ss m4-0.7 | 3200 |
Arden | WI | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Black Oxide | M4-0.70 | M4 x.7 hex nut ms blk din 934 | inquire |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Black Oxide | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 metric hex nuts 18-8 stainless steel black oxide | 75,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 metric hex nuts 18-8 stainless steel | 300,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 metric class 8 hex nuts zinc | 300,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 class 10 hex nuts plain | 250,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 class 6 hex nuts zinc | 250,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 hex nuts a4 stainless steel | 250,000 |
Kanebridge | IL | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 prevail torq nut stainless steel | 75,000 |
Sonfast | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4x0.7 metric hex nut class 8 zinc din 934 | 8,200 |
IRF | NC | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex finish nut stl din 934 | 17328 |
IRF | NJ | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Passivated | M4-0.70 | hex finish nut a2 s/s din 934 | 7270 |
NAPPCO | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | 4m hex m/s nut din 934 steel zinc plate | 875 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934l hex nut lh thd cl 8 stl zn | 42 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934 hex nut a4ss | 1037 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Yellow | M4 | m4 din 934 hex nut cl8 stl z/yl | 2483 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Plain | M4 | m4 din 934l hex nut lh thd cl 8 stl pl | 44 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.50 x 6 | m4x0.5 din 934 hex nut cl 6 stl zn | 122 |
MSTC | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Nickel Plated | M4 | m4 din 934 hex nut brass np | 2543 |
FastWare | Sask | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Black Oxide | M4-0.70-1 | M4-0.70 hex nut 18.8 ss din 934 | 2,317 |
CNB | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut class 8 din 934 | 400 |
API | IA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut cl6 din 934 | 400 |
ASFCORP | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-.7 full hgt hex keps w/ext tooth lk wshr lk nut assy cl 6/8 din 934 tw tri zn fe/zn 5an pkg | 500 |
ASFCORP | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-.7 hex nut cl 8 din 934 tri zn dich fe/zn 5cn pkg | 11,875 |
ASFCORP | MI | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | m4-.7 hx nut ss din 934 | 3,300 |
BAYFASTCO | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Black Oxide | M4 | hex nut din 934 black oxide | 2992 |
WSB | KY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4 | nut hex din 934 i6i ws7 (a2c) m4 | 7,680 |
WSB | KY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Plain | M4 | nut hex din 934 i6i ws7 (a2c) m4 | 23,000 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) | Plain | M4-0.70 | M4x 0.7 fin hex nut18-8 s/s a2 din 934 | 300 |
GUIDON | NJ | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Plain | M4 | finished hex nut din 934 | 900 |
Revcar | VA | Finished Hex Nut | Brass | Nickel Plated | M4-0.70 | hex finish nut din 934 | 3,250 |
Revcar | VA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Yellow | M4-0.70 | hex finish nut 6 zy rohs din 934 | 200 |
FACCA | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Electrolytic Zinc Basecoat + Topcoats (Climacoat, Climaseal, etc.) | M4-0.70 | hexagon nut din 934 m4 x 0.70 a4 stainless steel quality requirements to meet iso 3269 1988 (e) standard sampling to iso 3858-1 1989(e) aql @ 1.0 (allowed is 10 wrong pieces within 500 pcs/package) | 478,000 |
FACCA | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | 316, 317, A4 Stainless | Plain | M4-0.70 | hex nut m4 x 0.70 pitch 7mm a/f x 3.2mm th a4 stainless steel din 934/a4 m4 | 4,000 |
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