Hex Nuts, Zinc/Clear (DIN 934)
Finished Hex nuts are hexagonal, internally threaded fasteners, mated with bolts, studs, screws, and other externally threaded products. The purpose of a hex nut is to ensure that the bolt, etc., stays in place. Hex nuts of standard thickness are called finished hex nuts.
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Supplier | Loc | Type | Material | Finish | Size | Description | Qty | |
JHP Fasteners | MA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M6 | nut hex 0.8d steel 6 zinc plated blue chromated din 934 | 209 |
JHP Fasteners | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M0.8-6.00 | nut hex 0.8d steel 6 zinc plated blue chromated din 934 | 209 |
MTP | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M33 | m33 din 934-8 zn hex nuts | 10 |
Jackson | MS | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M33-3.50 | m33-3.50 coarse metric nut 10.9 / iso 4032 zinc plated din 934 | 31 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | M20-2.5 cl8 hex nut zinc din 934 | 110 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | M10-1.5 cl8 hex nut zinc din 934 | 243 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | M16-2.0 cl8 hex nut zinc din 934 | 80 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | M12-1.75 cl8 hex nut zinc din 934 | 716 |
Liberty | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M36-4.00 | finish hex nut rohs din 934 | 125 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-1.50 | m14-1.5 (fine thread)hex finish nut din 934 class 8 steel zinc plated | 40 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | m16 (2) hex finish nut din 934 class 8 steel zinc plated | 393 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4(.7) hex nut din 934 | 3609 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M2-0.40 | M2(.4) hex nut din 934 | 5498 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | M6(1) hex nut class 8 din 934 | 5575 |
YANKEE | NH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | M8(1.25) hex nut class 8 din 934 | 1151 |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M24-1.50 | m24x1.5 class 10 hex nut tri clr zinc 120 wh/144 red rust din 934 | 200 |
MESAFAST | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | hex nut class 10 steel din 934 | 99.0 |
MESAFAST | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | hex nut class 10 steel din 934 | 16.0 |
MESAFAST | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M30-3.50 | hex nut class 8 steel din 934 | 50.0 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | M16-2 fin hex nut cl 10.9 stl zc din 934 () () () | 20 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | M14-2 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 107 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.25 | M10-1.25 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 224 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.50 | M12-1.5 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 90 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M24-2.00 | M24-2 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 1 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M20-1.50 | M20-1.5 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 6050 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | M12-1.75 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 69 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | M10-1.5 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 284 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | M10-1.5 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 2221 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | M12-1.75 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 1328 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | M14-2 fin hex nutcl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 78 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | M16-2 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 258 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M24-3.00 | M24-3 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 14 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M27-3.00 | M27-3 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 12 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M18-2.50 | M18-2.5 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 4 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M3-0.50 | M3-0.5 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 655 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | M20-2.5 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 163 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | M20-2.5 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 202 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | M5-0.8 fin hex nut stl zc din 934 () () () | 4199 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | M4-0.7 fin hex nut cl 8 stl zc din 934 () () () | 25198 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | class 6 hex nuts din 934 | 498 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M7-1.00 | class 8 hex nuts din 934 | 90 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | hex nut class 8 din 934 | 352 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-1.50 | class 8 hex nuts din 934 | 62 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M18-2.50 | class 8 hex nuts din 934 | 60 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 825 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 328 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 876 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M3-0.50 | din 934 class 6 hex nuts | 1373 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 2000 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 1408 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | din 934 class 8 hex nuts | 2500 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M07-1.00 | mtrc hex nut zinc m07x1.0 cl.8 din 934 | 26,630 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M03 | mtrc hex nut m03 cl.8 rohs din 934 | 145,890 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | metric hex nut-zinc m 4 cl.8 cr3 din 934 | 133,550 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 x 14 | metric hex nut-zinc m10 x 1.5 x 14 din 934 | inquire |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M3.5 | metric hex nut-zinc m 3.5 din 934 | 900 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M5 | metric hex nut m 5 cl.8 cr3 din 934 | 234,500 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.00 | metric hex nut m 8x1.0 cls.8 cr3 din 934 | 4,200 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | metric hex nut m 10-1.25 cls.8 cr3 din 934 | 849 |
| |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M06 | mtrc hex nut m06 cl.8 rohs cr3 din 934 | 209,100 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M2 | m2 din 934 class 8 steel hex nut zinc trivalent clear | 9300 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5 | m5 steel din 934 hex nut steel zinc trivalent clear | 100 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M3 | m3 din 934 hex nut class 8 steel zinc trivalent clear | 30072 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934 steel hex nut zinc trivalent clear | 50 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M2.5 | m2.5 din 934 hex nut zinc trivalent | 79760 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12 | m12 din 934 class 8 steel hex nut zinc trivalent clear | 1300 |
Irwin Ind | Ont | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8 | m8 din 934 class 8 steel hex nut zinc trivalent clear | 2000 |
Endries | WI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M22 | M22 class 10 hex nut zinc din 934 | 50 |
Jay-Cee | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | M6-1.00 metric class 8 hex nuts zinc din 934 | 3000 |
American | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | 10-1.5 pitch hex fin nut zp din 934 | 2100 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M3 | hex nut cl8 cr+3 ( iso4032) din 934 | 38000 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | hex nuts class 10 cr+3 din 934 | 200 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10 | hex nut cl10 clear cr+3 ( iso4032) din 934 | 370 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12 | hex nut cl8 cr+3 ( iso4032) din 934 | 500 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M5 | hex nut cl8 cr+3 ( iso4032) din 934 | 14000 |
RCFast | AZ | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8 | hex nut cl8 cr+3 ( iso4032) din 934 | 1100 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M18-2.50 | M18-2.5 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 63 |
GLF | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M22-2.50 | M22-2.5 fin hex nut cl 10 stl zc din 934 () () () | 75 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M36 | m36 din 934 cl.10 zinc plated hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4 | m4 din 934 cl.6 zinc plated hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M45-3.00 | m45-3.0 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M39 | m39 din 934 cl.10 zinc plated hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M18-2.00 | m18-2.0 din 934 cl. 8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.25 | m12-1.25 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated extra fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M36-1.50 | m36-1.5 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M30-1.50 | m30-1.5 din 934 cl.10 zinc plated extra fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M18-1.50 | m18-1.5 din 934 cl.10 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.50 | m12-1.5 din 934 cl.10 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.25 | m12-1.25 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated extra fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-1.00 | m14-1.0 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M22-1.50 | m22-1.5 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M36-3.00 | m36-3.0 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M30-2.00 | m30-2.0 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M27-2.00 | m27-2.0 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M18-1.50 | m18-1.5 din 934 cl.8 zinc plated fine thread hex nut | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M24 | M24 cl.8 zinc plated l.h. hex nut din 934 | 400 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M20 | M20 cl.10 zinc plated hex nut din 934 | inquire |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M33 | M33 cl.10 zinc plated hex nut din 934 | inquire |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-1.50 | fine cl8 hex nut med carb zp din 934 | 105 |
ASMC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-1.50 | fine cl8 hex nut med carb zp din 934 | 425 |
N P | CA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M08-1.25 | metric hex nut m08-1.25 cl.8 cr3 din 934 | inquire |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.00 | hex nut fine din 934 | 76 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M7 | m7 hex nut din 934 steel zinc | 800 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M12 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 246 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M2 | hex nut din 934 | 5000 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M10 | hex nut din 934 | 1781 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M12 | hex nut din 934 | 298 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M2.5 | hex nut din 934 | 550 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M20 | hex nut din 934 | 260 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M3 | hex nut din 934 | 930 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4 | hex nut din 934 | 1785 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5 | hex nut din 934 | 1500 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M6 | hex nut din 934 | 770 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M8 | hex nut din 934 | 13947 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M22-1.5- | M22-1.5 hex nut x-fine din 934 | 22 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 172 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M16 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 238 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M24 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 10 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M6 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 6393 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M8 | hex nut class 10 din 934 | 6 |
METRO IND | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.25 | l.h. hex nut din 934l | 86 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | M14-2.0 cl8 hex nut zinc din 934 | 21 |
ACCURATE | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | class 6 hex nuts din 934 | 8 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | m4-0.7 din 934 zinc finish steel class 10 hex nut) | 8775 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | m5-0.8 din 934 zinc finish steel class 10 hex nut) | 13933 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | m14-2.0 din 934 zinc finish steel class 8 hex nut ) | 103 |
SII | IN | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | m20-2.5 din 934 zinc finish steel hex nut | 15 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10 | m10 hex nut zinc din 934 bn 117 | 30 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M7 | m7 hex nut steel zinc din 934 bn 117 | 100 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 6.8 | Zinc/Clear | M2 | m2 hex nut steel zinc din 934 bn 109 | 100 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | m5-0.80 hex nut din 934 stl zinc | 2000 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12 | m12 hex nut zinc din 934 bn 117 | 300 |
Purchase | MO | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | m5 x 0.8 hex nut stl pl din 934 bn 117 | 2500 |
RePneu To | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | M6-1.00 hex nuts class 8 zinc cr+3 din 934 | 7330 |
RePneu To | MI | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | M10-1.50 hex nuts class 8 zinc cr+3 din 934 | 1400 |
MMCC | IL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M30-1.50 | hex nut din 934 class 8 zinc/clear | inquire |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | cl8 hex nuts din 934 | 99 |
SunPack | FL | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Cl ear | M20-2.50 | cl8 hex nuts din 934 | 160 |
QFC | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | M10-1.5 hex nut class 8 zinc din 934 | 100 |
QFC | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | M6-1.0 hex finish nut zinc din 934 | 14000 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 1371 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | fin hex nut 10 zn din 934 | 822 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.00 | fin hex nut 10 zn din 934 | 81 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.25 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 175 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 1256 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 48 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | fin hex nut 10 zn din 934 | 1900 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M18-1.50 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 20 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 929 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 24 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M24-3.00 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 1 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M24-3.00 | fin hex nut 10 zn din 934 | 159 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M2-0.40 | fin hex nut 6 zn din 934 | 8050 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M30-3.50 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 48 |
FTS | OH | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M3.5-0.60 | fin hex nut 8 zn din 934 | 41 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | m6-1.0 hex nuts class 8 zinc din 934 | 1268 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | m8-1.25 hex nuts class 10 zinc din 934 | 174 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | m8-1.25 hex nuts class 8 zinc din 934 | 50 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | m10-1.50 hex nuts class 10 zinc din 934 | 1056 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M10-1.50 | m10-1.50 hex nuts class 8 din 934 zinc | 1168 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | m12-1.75 hex nuts class 10 din 934 zinc | 75 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | m16-2.0 hex nuts class 10 din 934 zinc | 145 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | m16-2.0 hex nuts class 8 din 934 zinc | 685 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M18-2.50 | m18-2.5 hex nuts class 8 din 934 zinc | 679 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50 | m20-2.5 hex nuts class 8 din 934 zinc | 154 |
B & K FAST | PA | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M24-3.00 | m24-3.0 hex nuts class 8 din 934 zinc | 67 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M20-2.50-934-8 | hex nut din 934-8zn zinc plated m20-2.50 | 114 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M2.5-0.45 | hex nut din 934-8 zinc plated m2.5-0.45 | 350 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M10 | din 934 hex nut cl 10 zinc plated m20-2.5 | 215 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M3-0.50 | hex nut din 934 zinc plated rohs m3-0.5 | 11517 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M4-0.70 | hex nut din 934-8 zinc plated m4-0.7 | 118 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M6 | hex nut zinc m6 din 934-8 | 4339 |
TSF | TX | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M8 | hex nut zinc din 934-8 m8 | 2148 |
Eurolink | SC | Finished Hex Nut | Class 8.8 | Zinc/Clear | M16 | m16 din 934 left cl.8 zinc plated l.h. thread hex nut | inquire |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M14-2.00 | M14x 2.0 fin h/n pl bn117 din 934 | 74 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M12-1.75 | M12x 1.75 fin hex nut plate din 934 | 410 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M16-2.00 | M16x 2.0 fin hex nut plate din 934 | 200 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M20-1.50 | M20x 1.5 fin hex nut bn 137 din 934 | 16 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M6-1.00 | M6x 1.0 fin hex nut pl bn117 din 934 | 19701 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M3-0.50 | M3x 0.5 fin hex nut pl din 934 | 975 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M5-0.80 | M5x 0.8 fin hex nut pl din 934 | 5441 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Steel | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | M8x 1.25 fin hex nut plate-din 934 | 3553 |
Hewes | NY | Finished Hex Nut | Class 10.9 | Zinc/Clear | M8-1.25 | M8 x1.25 fin h/n 10 din 934 | 150 |
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