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6mm length Hex Cap Screws (DIN 933)

Hex Cap Screws are hex headed fasteners with external machine screw threads and differ from hex machine bolts by having a washer surface on the underside or bearing side of the head and a chamfered thread end. Hex cap screws have tighter dimensional tolerances than bolts. Metric hex cap screws are specified by various DIN, ISO and JIS standards, and US/Imperial hex cap screws are dimensionally specified by the ASME B18.2.1 specification.

72 results, (click on any line for more information)

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Alma BoltMIHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM3-0.50 x 6m3 x .5 x 6 | hex cap screw 8.8 din 93317
Alma BoltMIHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6m5 x .8 x 6 | st. st. hex cap screw a2 din 933185
Alma BoltMIHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6m5 x .8 x 6 | st. st. hex cap screw a2 din 93390
Alma BoltMIHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM4-0.70 x 6hex c/s din 933253
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM6-1.0-1.00 x 6m6-1.0 x 6mm class 8.8 zinc cap screw din 933200
OneMonroeMNHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6m5-0.8 x 6mm class a2 stainless steel cap screw din 933200
YANKEENHHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 6M3(.5)x6 hex c/s (18-8) din 933-a21539
OneMonroeMNHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6m5-0.8 x 6mm class a2 stainless steel cap screw din 933200
OneMonroeMAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.8-0.80 x 6m5-0.8 x 6mm class a2 stainless steel cap screw din 933200
MTPCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933-8.8 zn hex hd bolts f/th1,140
MTPCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 6m4 x 6 din 933-8.8 zn hex hd bolts f/th9,885
MTPCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933-8.8 zn hex hd bolts f/th16,213
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933-s.s a2-70 hex hd bolts f/th1,962
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933-s.s a2-70 hex hd bolts f/th3,225
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 s.s-a4-70 hex hd bolts f/th6,000
EndriesWIHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 6m4x6 class 8.8 / iso4017 full thread hex head cap screw trivalent clear zinc din 93314200
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 6M3-0.5x6 hex cp screw 8.8 zc din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM3-0.50 x 6M3-0.5x6 hex hd cap a-4 din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM3-0.50 x 6M3-0.5x6 hex cap 8.8 din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 6M3-0.5x6 hex cap a2-ss din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM4-0.70 x 6M4-0.7x6 hex cap 8.8 zinc din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 6M4-0.7x6 hex cap a2-ss din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/YellowM4-0.70 x 6M4-0.7x6 hex cap 8.8 yellow zinc din 933stock
MtrcSpecCAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6M5-0.8x6 hex cap a2-ss din 933stock
Fastener OHHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM4-0.70 x 6hex head cap screw m4-0.7x6 a4 ss din 933 300
EndriesWIHex Head Cap ScrewClass 10.9Zinc/BlackM5 x 6m5x6 class 10.9 / iso4017 full thread hex head cap screw black zinc din 9331000
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM4 x 6M4x6 / iso 4017 8.8 plain finish hex head cap screw full thread din 933inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM4 x 6M4x6 / iso 4017 8.8 zinc plated hex head cap screw full thread din 933inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 6M6x6 / iso 4017 a2 18-8 304 steel hex head cap screw full thread din 933inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM3 x 6M3x6 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full thread din 933inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM4 x 6M4x6 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full thread din 933inquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 zinc plated hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 plain finish hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 zinc plated hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM6 x 6m6 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 8.8 zinc plated hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM2 x 6m2 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full thread hex head cap screw full threadinquire
ASMCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM8-1.25 x 6m8x1.25x65 mm (ft) coarse din 933 / iso 4017 cl8.8 hex cap screw med carb zp575
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM5 x 6hex c/s din 9333000
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM3 x 6hex c/s din 933849
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM4 x 6hex c/s din 9331661
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 6hex c/s s/s din 93348
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 6hex c/s s/s din 93325
OneMonroeTXHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 6screw hex cap m5-.8x6 18-8 304 steel din 933326
IPCVAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM4-0.70 x 6M4-.7x6 hex cap screw class 8.8 steel cr3 zinc rohs din 933300
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM4 x 6m4 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 class 8.8 plain61087
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 class 8.8 plain921
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 6m5 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 class 8.8 zinc/clearinquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM6 x 6m6 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 class 8.8 zinc/clear12
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/YellowM3 x 6m3 x 6 full thread din 933 class 8.8 zinc/yellowinquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 6m4 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 a2 s/s plain591
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 a2 s/s plain95
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 6m6 x 6 full thread hex hd din 933 a2 s/s plain100
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM3 x 6m3x6 full thread hex hd din 933 a4 s/sinquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewNylon (Polyamide)PlainM3 x 6m3x6 full thread hex hd din 933 nyloninquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewNylon (Polyamide)PlainM4 x 6m4x6 full thread hex hd din 933 nyloninquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewNylon (Polyamide)PlainM5 x 6m5x6 full thread hex hd din 933 nyloninquire
MMCCILHex Head Cap ScrewBrassPlainM3 x 6m3x6 full thread hex brass din 933inquire
WDMBIAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM10 x 6 x 25screw hex 8.8 ws10 (a2r) m6x25 din 933 (W0S0)6909
QFCTXHex Head Cap ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3-0.50 x 6m3-.5 x 6 hex bolt din 933 steel zinc30
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM6 x 6m6 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t 8.8 bk74
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t 8.8 bk100
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t 8.8 bk141
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewBrassPlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t brass200
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewBrassPlainM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t brass500
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t 8.8 zn337
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewClass 8.8Zinc/ClearM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t 8.8 zn523
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewBrassPlainM4 x 6m4 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t brass601
MSTCMAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t a2ss462
MSTCMAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 6m4 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t a2ss124329
MSTCMAHex Head Cap ScrewBrassNickel PlatedM3 x 6m3 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t brass np3300
MSTCMAHex Head Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 6m5 x 6 din 933 hex cap scr f/t a2 ss700

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