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Hex Cap Screws, 316, 317, A4 Stainless (DIN 933)

Hex Cap Screws are hex headed fasteners with external machine screw threads and differ from hex machine bolts by having a washer surface on the underside or bearing side of the head and a chamfered thread end. Hex cap screws have tighter dimensional tolerances than bolts. Metric hex cap screws are specified by various DIN, ISO and JIS standards, and US/Imperial hex cap screws are dimensionally specified by the ASME B18.2.1 specification.

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CenturyFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 35.0M10.0x35.0 a4 stainless hex cap screws full thread din 933 40
CenturyFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 40iso 4017 m10x40 hex head cap screw full thread a4-80 din 933/96
Buy Hex Cap Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM16-2.0-2.00 x 80m16-2.0 x 80 hex cap screw 316 stainless din 93310
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM4-.7-0.70 x 30m4-.7 x 30 hex c/s ft a4ss din 933-62462450
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 50m6-1.0 x 50 hex cap screw 316 stainless din 93315
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25-1.25 x 35m8-1.25 x 35 hex c/s ft a4ss din 933-624624100
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessDry Film Lubricant Coating (Dicronite, MolyKote, etc.)M8-1.25-1.25 x 45m8-1.25 x 45 hex c/s dicronite coat a4ss din 933100
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 20m6-1 x 20 hex c/s ft a4ss din 933-62462483
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 35m6-1 x 35 hex c/s ft a4ss din 933-62462433
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 16screw hex head cap m6-1.0x16 full thread a4 stainless w/nd microspheres 593 blue din 933/iso4017iso4017500
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 20screw hex hd cap m6-1.0x20 a4(316) stainless / iso 4017 din 933139
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 25screw hex head cap m6-1.0x25 full thread 4017 a4 stainless w/loctite din 933/isoiso29
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 30screw hex head cap m6-1.0x30 full thread a4 stainless w/nd microspheres 593 blue din 933/iso4017iso4017725
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM16-2.0-2.00 x 80m16-2.0 x 80 mm a4 stainless steel hex cap screw fully threaded din 9338
OneMonroeMNHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-70 x 933hex hd cap screw m8 x 70 a4/316 stainless din 93371
OneMonroeNCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-80-80 x 933hex head cap screw m8 x 80 a4/316 stainless din 93338
JacksonMSHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.00 x 25m6 x 1.00 x 25 mm metric hex bolt a-4 stainless din 933 fully threaded144
JacksonMSHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10-1.50 x 25m10 x 1.50 x 25 mm metric hex bolt a-4 stainless din 933 fully threaded64
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 25M8-1.25x25 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93326
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 16M8-1.25x16 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93392
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 40M8-1.25x40 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93380
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.00 x 30M6-1.0x30 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93380
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12-1.75 x 40M12-1.75x40 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 9336
SWACOOHHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12-1.75 x 30M12-1.75x30 hhcs a4 din 933392
R&S IndusORHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5-0.80 x 16m5-0.80x16 mm (ft) hex cap screws coarse stain a4 (316) din 93383
OneMonroeMNHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-70 x 933hex hd cap screw m8 x 70 a4/316 stainless din 93371
LibertyILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM16-2.00 x 180c/s a4 stainless din 93340
LibertyILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM24-3.00 x 150c/s f/t a4 stainless din 9335
ACCURATEILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5 x 10M5x10 ft hex c/sr 316 stainless din 933 M5010D933316249
EndriesWIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 40m6x40 a4 stainless / iso4017 full thread hex head cap screw din 9331050
EndriesWIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 20m10x20 a4 stainless hex head cap screw din 93315
EndriesWIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8 x 20m8x20 a4 stainless / iso4017 full thread hex head cap screw din 933800
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 25m6 x 25 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5 x 35m5 x 35 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 10m6 x 10 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 180m6 x 180 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM20 x 55m20 x 55 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM20 x 30m20 x 30 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8 x 110m8 x 110 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8 x 85m8 x 85 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12 x 55m12 x 55 din 933 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM16 x 30m16 x 30 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM14 x 30m14 x 30 din 933 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 160m10 x 160 din 933 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12 x 50m12 x 50 din 933 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 16m6 x 16 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 55m6 x 55 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5 x 12m5 x 12 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM20 x 35m20 x 35 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 14m10 x 14 din 933 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM16 x 60m16 x 60 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
EurolinkSCHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM4 x 10m4 x 10 din 933 / iso 4017 a4 stainless steel hex head cap screw full threadinquire
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 45M8-1.25x45 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93350
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM18 x 120m18 x 120 hh c/s din 933 full thread 316 s/s16
METRO INDOHHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12 x 35hex c/s 316 s/s din 93350
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6-1.00 x 25M6-1.0x25 a4 ss hex bolt full thread din 93319
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM22 x 90M22x90 s.s-a4-70 hex hd bolt f/th din 93320
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 20M10x20 s.s-a4-70 hex hd bolt f/th din 933stock
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 65M10x65 s.s-a4-70 hex hd bolt f/th din 933stock
OneMonroeTXHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM5-0.80 x 10screw hex cap m5-.8x10 stainless steel din 933a4-80475
    Contact_Supplier< /ul>
RePneu ToMIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12-1.75 x 30M12-1.75x30 (ft) hex cap screws coarse stain a4 (316) din 93350
RePneu ToMIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12-1.75 x 50M12-1.75x50 (ft) hex cap screws coarse stain a4 (316) din 933150
RePneu ToMIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM18-2.50 x 50M18-2.50x50 (ft) hex cap screws coarse stain a4 (316) din 93325
RePneu ToMIHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM22-2.50 x 50M22-2.50x50 (ft) hex cap screws coarse stain a4 (316) din 93315
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM6 x 20m6 x 20 full thread hex a4-80 6x20 din 933 a4-80 s/s plain100
MMCCILHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12 x 50m12 x 50 full thread hex a4-80 din 933 a4-80 s/s plaininquire
SunPackFLHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 16m8-1.25 x 16mm a4 ss din 933 hex bolt full thread full thread94
Lubker DiPAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10-1.50 x 30M10x1.5x30 hhcs a4 316 s/s din 933109
Lubker DiPAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM12-1.75 x 110M12x1.75x110 hhcs a4 (316) s/s din 933106
TSFTXHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM24 x 100hex head cap screw din 933-a4 ss m24 x 100mm23
TSFTXHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM4-0.70 x 12m4-0.70x12 mm (ft) din 933 hex cap screws coarse stainless a4492
MTPCAHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10 x 30m10 x 30 din 933 s.s-a4-80 hex hd bolts f/thstock
HewesNYHex Head Cap Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM8-1.25 x 25M8x 1.25x 25 hhc a4 s/s a4 s/s din 933621

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