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Flat Head Cap Screws, 300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.) (DIN 7991)

Flat Head Socket Cap Screws are designed to be seated in countersunk holes, and align flush with the surface of the assembly when installed. Flat head socket cap screws have a flat top surface, an indented hex and a conical bearing surface with a head angle of 82°. Flat head socket cap screws are commonly used in machine parts, die fixturing, and clamping.

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MAINSOURCNHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 70M5-.8x70 flat soc cap screw 18-8 ss din 7991250
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-.5-0.50 x 16m3-.5 x 16 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616150
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-.7-0.70 x 10m4-.7 x 10 fl soc cs ft a2ss bkps din 7991-616616500
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-.7-0.70 x 20m4-.7 x 20 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616250
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-.8-0.80 x 10m5-.8 x 10 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616665
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-.8-0.80 x 12m5-.8 x 12 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616200
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-.8-0.80 x 12m5-.8 x 12 fl soc cs pat ft a2ss din 7991-616616200
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-.8-0.80 x 14m5-.8 x 14 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-61661652
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8-1.25-1.25 x 40m8-1.25 x 40 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-61661687
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 18m6-1 x 18 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616190
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 40m6-1 x 40 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-61661616
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.0-1.00 x 8m6-1 x 8 fl soc cs ft a2ss din 7991-616616400
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 18m6 x 18 a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991400
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 5screw m3x5mm fl hd 304ss-a2 din 79911500
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8screw 90 degree flat socket cap m3 x 8 stainless a2 din 7991100
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 8m3-0.50 x 8mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991175
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 6m4-0.70 x 6mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991600
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 25m4-0.70 x 25mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991278
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 20m5-0.80 x 20mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799149
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 25m5-0.80 x 25mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799142
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 40m5-0.80 x 40mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991150
GLFOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 8M3-0.5x8 fhcs 18-8 s/s din 7991 () () ()286
GLFOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 10M5-0.8x10 fhcs 18-8 s/s din 7991 () () ()1371
YANKEENHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 20m6(1) x 20 flat head socket cap din 7991-a2 (18-8) stainless steel2427
OneMonroeNCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 14m6 x 14 a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991172
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8screw 90 degree flat socket cap m3 x 8 stainless a2 din 7991100
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 8m3-0.50 x 8mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991175
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 6m4-0.70 x 6mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991600
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4-0.70 x 25m4-0.70 x 25mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991278
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 20m5-0.80 x 20mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799149
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 25m5-0.80 x 25mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799142
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5-0.80 x 40m5-0.80 x 40mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991150
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 8m6-1.0 x 8mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 79914500
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 10m6-1.0 x 10mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991500
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 35m6-1.0 x 35mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799122
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 16m10-1.50 x 16mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 7991900
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 40m10-1.50 x 40mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799175
OneMonroeMNFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 50m10-1.50 x 50mm class a2 stainless steel flat head socket cap screw din 799161
MTPCAFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 12m 5 x 12 din 7991-s.s a2-70 tamperproof 6-lobe flat hd screws tx-25stock
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 12m4 x 12 din 7991 flt. hd. soc cap screw stainless steel750
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 10m4 x 10 din 7991 fh socket cap screw stainless steel118
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 10m3 x 10 din 7991 flat socket capscrew stainless steel3500
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 12m3 x 12 din 7991 a2 stainless steel252
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 18m4 x 18 din 7991 fh soc cap stainless steel315
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 16m6 x 16 din 7991 flat head socket cap screw in 18-8 s/s15
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 16din 7991 m5 x 16 flat head socket screw stainless steel4000
Irwin IndOntFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 12m5 x 12 flat socket capscrew din 7991 stainless steel2000
EndriesWIFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 20m4x20 a2 stainless flat socket head cap screw din 79913000
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8 x 25m8x25 flat socket cap stainless a2 ( iso1064 ft) din 7991200
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 12m6x12 flat socket cap stainless a2 (din 7991 iso 1064 ft)2500
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8flat socket cap 18-8 304 a2 ( iso1064 ft) din 79911000
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 25flat socket cap 18-8 304 a2 ( iso1064) din 79911300
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 40flat socket cap 18-8 304 a2 ( iso1064) din 7991400
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 10M5x10 flat socket cap 18-8 304 a2 ( iso1064 ft) din 7991655
RCFastAZFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 20M6x20 flat socket cap 18-8 304 a2 ( iso1064) din 7991200
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8 x 120M8x120 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991200
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 30M4x30 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991695
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 35M6x35 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8 x 25M8x25 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8 x 65M8x65 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 150M10x150 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 16M4x16 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991205
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2.5 x 5M2.5x5 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM16 x 80M16x80 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM16 x 25M16x25 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8M3x8 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991340
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 55M5x55 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 30M6x30 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991300
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 5M3x5 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991 (COUNTERSUNK SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW)inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 16M6x16 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991100
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM20 x 70M20x70 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2.5 x 8M2.5x8 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 20M3x20 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 799195
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 12M4x12 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991inquire
EurolinkSCFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 10M6x10 a2 18-8 304 steel countersunk socket head cap screw din 7991600
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 6flat skt c/s s/s din 7991400
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 18flat skt c/s s/s din 7991500
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 14flat skt c/s s/s din 7991236
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM5 x 18flat skt c/s s/s din 7991498
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 16flat skt c/s s/s din 7991175
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 20flat skt c/s s/s din 799147
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 30flat skt c/s s/s din 799193
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 35flat skt c/s s/s din 799124
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 40flat skt c/s s/s din 799150
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10 x 45flat skt c/s s/s din 799121
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 25flat skt c/s s/s din 799159
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 30flat skt c/s s/s din 799147
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 35flat skt c/s s/s din 79919
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 40flat skt c/s s/s din 79911
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 45flat skt c/s s/s din 7991224
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 50flat skt c/s s/s din 799139
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12 x 80flat skt c/s s/s din 79911
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM2.5 x 20flat skt c/s s/s din 799195
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM20 x 100flat skt c/s s/s din 79912
METRO INDOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM20 x 50flat skt c/s s/s din 79914
OneMonroeTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 8screw flat head cap m3x8 a2 18-8 304 din 7991450
MTPCAFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 22M4x22 a2-70 flat hd socket screws din 7991-s.sstock
OneMonroeTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3 x 16screw flat socket cap m3x16 sst a2 din 7991600
MMCCILFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM4 x 10m4 x 10 flat socket hea a2 tamper-pruf 4x10 din 7991 a2 s/s b7 plaininquire
QFCTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 25M6-1.0x25 flat soc c/s ft a2 din 7991150
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 25flat soc cs a2 ss din 79912
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 30flat soc cs a2 ss din 79917
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.50 x 50flat soc cs a2 ss din 799140
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12-1.75 x 25flat soc cs a2 ss din 799131
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM16-2.00 x 50flat soc cs a2 ss din 79914
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 14flat soc cs a2 ss din 7991400
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 16flat soc cs a2 ss din 7991200
FTSOHFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 5flat soc cs a2 ss din 7991500
Lubker DiPAFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Black OxideM2-0.40 x 20 x 1M2x.4x20 flat shcs a2 18.8 s/s black oxide din 7991200
TSFTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM12-1.75 x 55flat socket head cap screw din 7991 a2 ss m12-1.75 x 55mm505
TSFTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM16-2.00 x 60flat socket cap screw din 7991-a2 ss m16-2.00 x 60mm9
TSFTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 14flat socket head cap screw din 7991 a2 ss m6-1.00 x 14mm75
TSFTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Plainflat head socket screw metric a2-ss 6mm x 20mm din 7991-a2613
TSFTXFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6 x 30flat soc cap din 7991 a2 ss m6 x 30mm117
HewesNYFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3-0.50 x 8M3 x0.5 x8 flat hd soc a2 s/s din 7991269
HewesNYFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 10M6x 1.0x 10 flat hd socbn616 a2 s/s din 7991100
HewesNYFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 12M6 x1.0 x12 flat hd soc a2 s/s din 7991200
HewesNYFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM6-1.00 x 20M6 x1.0 x20 flat hd soc a2 s/s din 7991225
HewesNYFlat Head Socket Cap Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM8-1.25 x 20M8x 1.25x 20 flat hd soc a2 s/s din 7991180

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