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1 inch length Self Piercing Screws (ASME B18. 6.4)

Self-Piercing Screws, also called Needle-Point Screws, have a very sharp point which can pierce sheet metal, and so do not need a pre-drilled hole. Short and with a hex washer head, they are very commonly used in the HVAC industry as Zip Screws.

1 results, (click on any line for more information)

Search Results Sponsored by Ford Fasteners, your source for Self-Piercing Screws. For more results, visit   fordfasteners.com
Buy Self Piercing Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
QFCTXSelf-Tapping Self-Piercing ScrewSteelZinc/Clear#10 x 110x1 slotted hwh needle point zinc 5/16af b18.6.41000

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