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Flat Washers , Fluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon) (ASME B18. 22.1)

Flat Washers, or just Plain Washers, are a flat annulus or ring, often of metal, used to spread the load from the head of a screwed fastening to the base material. Flat washers are used to increase the bearing surface of a nut or fastener's head thus spreading the clamping force over a larger area.

50 results, (click on any line for more information)

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GLFOHFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.187 x 0.312 x 0.0200.187x0.312x0.020 flat teflon b18.22.1 () () ()150
GLFOHFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)1/21/2 flat stl teflon b18.22.1 () () ()1216
GLFOHFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.250 x 0.435 x 0.0200.250x0.435x0.020 ptfe per dwg# 00-5459 b18.22.1 () () ()250
AbabaCAFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).312 x .515 x .032.312 x .515 x .032 teflon flat washer b18.22.1575
AbabaCAFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).280 x 1.250 x .096.280 x 1.250 x .096 flat wsh al-2000 ptfe (black) b18.22.18647
AbabaCAFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).406 x 1.370 x .096.406 x 1.370 x .096 f/w al-2000 ptfe (black) b18.22.13156
AbabaCAFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3/8 x 13/163/8 x 13/16 f/w .031 thk teflon b18.22.1700
AbabaCAFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3/4 x 23/4 x 2 flat washer .100 thk teflon b18.22.150
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)9.525 x 25.40 x 0.381washer teflon natural (white)9.525 x 25.40 x 0.381 mm0.375 x 1.000 x 0.015 in b18.22.12179
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.250 x 0.380 x 0.010washer flat ptfe0.250 x 0.380 x 0.010 inseastrom p/n 5612-70-10 b18.22.14000
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.134 x 5.563 x 0.635washer flat teflon natural2.134 x 5.563 x 0.635 mm0.084 x 0.219 x 0.025 in b18.22.11977
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.667 x 6.985 x 0.610washer flat teflon natural2.667 x 6.985 x 0.610 mm0.105 x 0.275 x 0.024 in b18.22.12029
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)4.100 x 8.000 x 0.250washer flat teflon black4.100 x 8.000 x 0.250 mm0.161 x 0.315 x 0.010 in b18.22.112996
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)5.200 x 10.000 x 1.000washer flat teflon(ptfe) black5.200 x 10.000 x 1.000 mm0.205 x 0.394 x 0.039 in b18.22.1106270
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.280 x 4.670 x 0.177washer flat teflon natural2.280 x 4.670 x 0.177 mm0.090 x 0.184 x 0.007 in b18.22.118600
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.200 x 23.000 x 0.125washer flat teflon clear2.200 x 23.000 x 0.125 mm0.086 x 0.905 x 0.005 in b18.22.12752
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)10.200 x 20.000 x 2.000washer flat teflon natural10.200 x 20.000 x 2.000 mm0.402 x 0.787 x 0.079 in b18.22.1459
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)15.500 x 60.000 x 1.000washer flat teflon natural15.500 x 60.000 x 1.000 mm0.610 x 2.362 x 0.039 in b18.22.12994
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)9.398 x 14.478 x 0.254washer flat teflon natural9.398 x 14.478 x 0.254 mm0.370 x 0.570 x 0.010 in b18.22.19620
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.667 x 7.239 x 0.610washer flat teflon natural2.667 x 7.239 x 0.610 mm0.105 x 0.285 x 0.024 in b18.22.121670
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)4.100 x 8.100 x 0.250washer flat teflon natural4.100 x 8.100 x 0.250 mm0.161 x 0.319 x 0.010 in b18.22.11396
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)4.877 x 9.398 x 0.381washer flat teflon natural4.877 x 9.398 x 0.381 mm0.192 x 0.370 x 0.015 in b18.22.1249
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3.000 x 5.500 x 0.200washer flat teflon natural3.000 x 5.500 x 0.200 mm0.118 x 0.217 x 0.008 in b18.22.11800
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3.100 x 7.900 x 0.800washer flat teflon natural3.100 x 7.900 x 0.800 mm0.122 x 0.311 x 0.031 in b18.22.12243
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3.175 x 7.940 x 0.410washer flat teflon3.175 x 7.940 x 0.410 mm0.125 x 0.313 x 0.016 in b18.22.112500
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)2.921 x 17.112 x 0.508washer flat teflon2.921 x 17.112 x 0.508 mm0.115 x 0.280 x 0.020 in b18.22.165050
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)19.05 x 31.75 x 1.575washer flat teflon natural19.05 x 31.75 x 1.575 mm0.750 x 1.250 x 0.062 in b18.22.1210
EximS'poreFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.508 x 3.683 x 0.381washer flat teflon natural0.508 x 3.683 x 0.381 mm0.020 x 0.145 x 0.015 in b18.22.11170
QFCTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).065 x .187 x .030.065x.187x.030 teflon b18.22.11000
QFCTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).656 x 1.75 x .100.656x1.75x.100 flat teflon b18.22.1200
General FMIFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).5000 x 1.0030 x .062.5000x1.0030x.062 teflon f/w b18.22.12144
General FMIFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon).344 x .875 x .080.344 x .875 x .080 washer teflon b18.22.12128
BHAMALFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3/43/4 ptfe punched s b18.22.1335
NWFASTTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.590 x 0.775 x 0.0310.590 id x 0.775 od x 0.031 thk flat washer teflon b18.22.12043
NWFASTTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.420 x 0.545 x 0.0310.420 id x 0.545 od x 0.031 thk flat washer teflon b18.22.12860
NWFASTTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.800 x 1.370 x 0.0310.800 id x 1.370 od x 0.031 thk flat washer teflon b18.22.11105
NWFASTTXFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.800 x 1.150 x 0.0310.800 id x 1.150 od x 0.031 thk flat washer teflon b18.22.11734
WSBKYFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)0.531 x 1.25 x 0.101washer flat ptfe 0.531x1.25x0.101 b18.22.1100
WSBKYFlat WasherSteelFluoropolymer-Based (Xylan, Fluorokote, Teflon)3/16 x 7/16 x 1/32washer flat ptfe 3/16x7/16x1/32 b18.22.14,000

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