FCH News

Cap Nuts, Zinc/Black (ASME B18. 2.2)

Acorn Nuts, also referred to as Crown Hex Nuts, Blind Nuts, Cap Nuts, Domed Cap Nuts, or Dome Nuts, are nuts with a domed end on one side to cover exposed internal threading. The name acorn nut comes from its shape.

6 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Cap Nuts from one of our FCH Network Members
GLFOHCap Nut (Acorn Nut)SteelZinc/Black1/4-201/4-20 special acorn nut w/lock stl zinc black b18.2.2 () () ()24210
GLFOHCap Nut (Acorn Nut)Grade 2Zinc/Black1/2-131/2-13 cap nut grade 2 stl bzn b18.2.2 () () ()3660
B & K FASTPACap Nut (Acorn Nut)SteelZinc/Black1/4-281/4-28 acorn nuts black zinc b18.2.2900
General FMICap Nut (Acorn Nut)SteelZinc/Black#10-3210-32 acorn nut zn blk chrm b18.2.21000
JET FITTINGCACap Nut (Acorn Nut)400 Stainless (405, 410,416,420,430 etc.)Zinc/Black2nut acorn 2 piece 1/420 steel zinc black b18.2.21200
KBSTNCap Nut (Acorn Nut)300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Zinc/Black#8-328-32 acorn cap nut s/s black zinc b18.2.2125

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