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2 3/4 inch length Square Head Bolts (ASME B18. 2.1)

Square Head Bolts were once the most common form of bolt, until they were replaced by hex head bolts. They are covered under ANSI Standard B18.2.1 and are now most commonly used for aesthetic purposes to provide a rustic look .

7 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Square Head Bolts from one of our FCH Network Members
BIG BOLTILSquare Head BoltGrade 8Plain3/4-10 x 2 3/4bolt & c/s square boltsquare b18.2.1800
BIG BOLTILSquare Head BoltGrade 8Zinc/Clear5/16-18 x 2 3/4bolt & c/s square boltsquare b18.2.11580
BIG BOLTILSquare Head BoltGrade 5Plain7/8-9 x 2 3/4bolt & c/s square boltsquare b18.2.13700
AbabaCASquare Head BoltSteelZinc/Clear3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 sq hd bolt steel znc b18.2.1127
B & K FASTPASquare Head BoltSteelPlain3/4-10 x 2 3/43/4-10 x 2 3/4 square bolts plain b18.2.1973
KBSTNSquare Head BoltSteelPlain1-8 x 2 3/41-8 x 2 3/4 square hd mach.bolt b18.2.15
THRDFASTFLSquare Head BoltSteelPlain1/2-13 x 2 3/4square hd bolt b18.2.139

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