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3 1/4 inch length Flat Head Cap Screws (ASME B18. 2.1)

Flat Head Socket Cap Screws are designed to be seated in countersunk holes, and align flush with the surface of the assembly when installed. Flat head socket cap screws have a flat top surface, an indented hex and a conical bearing surface with a head angle of 82°. Flat head socket cap screws are commonly used in machine parts, die fixturing, and clamping.

9 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Flat Head Cap Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
GLFOHFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelZinc/Yellow3/4-10 x 3 1/43/4-10x3-1/4 flat (ft) stl zy b18.2.1 b18.3 () () ()14816
BHAMALFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain3/4-10 x 3 1/43/4-10x3 1/4 flat soc cap scr b18.2.1 b18.395
BHAMALFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/2-13 x 3 1/41/2-13x3 1/4 flat soc cap scr b18.2.1 b18.314
AbabaCAFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/4-20 x 3 1/41/4-20 x 3 1/4 flt soc cap alloy b18.2.1 b18.375
Alma BoltMIFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/2-13 x 3 1/41/2-13 x 3 1/4 special flat hd socket cap screw alloy b18.2.1 b18.31813
THRDFASTTNFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/4-20 x 3 1/4flat socket cap b18.2.1 b18.375
THRDFASTTNFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/2-13 x 3 1/4flat socket c/s b18.2.1 b18.35
THRDFASTALFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/2-13 x 3 1/4flat socket c/s zi b18.2.1 b18.316
All SizeTXFlat Head Socket Cap ScrewSteelPlain1/4-20 x 3 1/41/4-20 x 3 1/4 flat head socket cap b18.2.1 b18.322

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