FCH News

SEMS Machine Screws, 316, 317, A4 Stainless (ASME B18. 13)

SEMS® Machine Screws are machine screws with pre-assembled captive washers, designed to speed total assembly time in a manufacturing process.

2 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy SEMS Machine Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
EximS'poreSems Machine Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPassivatedscrew sems pan head phillips recesss/s passivated w. internal tooth lock washer m4 x 16 mm mfr p/n 90317a175 b18.137
EximS'poreSems Machine Screw316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainscrew sems pan head phillips recessstainless steel w. int. tooth lock washer m4 x 20 mm mfr p/n 90317a176 b18.132973

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